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Made for Movie ACME Road Roller 159

Made for Movie ACME Road Roller 159 in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Movie, 1988 IMDB

Class: Others, Construction & Engineering vehicle

Made for Movie ACME Road Roller 159

Pos: 01:29:10 [*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase 

Comments about this vehicle


Kooshmeister US

2010-09-05 21:24

Made-for-movie steamroller; it was an aluminum prop built for the movie (source: DVD audio commentary). Is it based on anything, though?


2010-09-05 21:26

Since this isn't given a name in the film, probably should just be "Made for Movie".

-- Last edit: 2010-09-05 21:26:43

Kooshmeister US

2010-09-05 22:01

It says "Acme Road Roller" on the plaque just above the front wheel.

truckface NO

2010-09-19 15:34

Front plaque says "Road Roller 159". By the way, used in one of the most disdurbing scenes ever!
Based on a Buffalo Springfield Roller: . Carl Bark used to draw them all the time, as "The Good Duck Artist".

-- Last edit: 2013-05-20 20:43:01

mike962 DE

2014-02-14 16:38

model origin US

JBan717 US

2022-04-06 06:05

In the interest of making some folks' childhood nightmares less traumatic: You can actually tell in some shots that this is a lightweight aluminum prop (as noted in the DVD commentary, per Kooshmeister's comment above) and not a real steamroller. Whenever Judge Doom kicks or punches at the front roller in desperation after he gets stuck to it, the impact of his hand/foot on the roller causes it to vibrate and move noticeably. Also, even as it's rolling over him, the vehicle noticeably lifts up an inch or so, then settles after it runs over his head. Real steamrollers are quite heavy (20+ tons), so it's pretty unlikely that the impact of a person's fists (even a toon with near superhuman powers) would cause the vehicle to move so much. It makes sense that this steamroller was aluminum because all of the Acme factory scenes were filmed indoors at a warehouse in London, so I'm sure that it wouldn't have been road-legal to bring a real steamroller onto the set for filming.

-- Last edit: 2022-04-06 06:05:56

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-11-15 14:14

Also because Christopher Lloyd had to physically touch the business part of the roller (ie, get his foot stuck to it) so an actual steamroller would have been far too dangerous.
Also also, you know what's even scarier than Judge Doom as a Toon? Christopher Lloyd before the animation was put over his face!
Link to ""

dhill_cb7 US

2022-11-15 15:21

Here it is on Flickr.

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