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1945 Humber Super Snipe Mk I

1945 Humber Super Snipe Mk I in The Last Page, Movie, 1952 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: UK

1945 Humber Super Snipe Mk I

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


johnfromstaffs EN

2010-11-05 13:28

The registration number says the car is March 1939, but the single pane windscreen, and the split back window suggest that it is a 1945 Super Snipe. False number plates?

dsl SX

2010-11-05 14:08

I'm not an old Humber expert and can only find a reference to Aug 45 changes as "Name plaque on bonnet side" (which does not look as if present here) - nothing about windows. Perversely this Aug 45 version is designated Mk1, with pre-war models known by their my (1939 from Sept 38, 1940 from Sept 39). Nothing about windows for ordinary Snipe/Imperial/Pullman either. Can't help with the plates - outside the date ranges of my guides.

vilero ES

2010-11-05 20:34

Merged here (maybe the same) and the comments on its previous page

[Image: 269352-ManBait00017.jpg]

vilero wrote Same than /vehicle_347183-Humber.html ?
cl82 wrote I may be wrong, but I think rather not (because of the massive chrome stripe on the bonnet).
chris40 wrote Looks like vilero's right: http://www.madle.org/eog06e.htm
dsl wrote Looks as if both cars are Super Snipes, but not the same car - as cl82 says because of the bonnet side stripe. This one matches the 1945+ Mk1 description with the "Name plaque on bonnet side" (shown clearly in chris40's link), the other one does not (which tends to push it back to pre-WW2?).

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