
Last completed movie pages

Autocar C 70

Autocar C 70 in La peau douce, Movie, 1964 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Trailer truck (tractor) — Model origin: US

Autocar C 70

Pos: 00:47:08 [*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


stronghold EN

2006-06-08 09:22

I don't know the truck ...but there is a panhard Dyna here.! (worth it's own page.?)

Bebert FR

2006-06-08 09:48

Moi je veux bien faire une page pour une Panhard. Mais qu'en penses-tu Antoine ?

antp BE

2006-06-08 10:22

Fais comme tu veux... une auto d'arrière-plan de plus ou de moins, au point où on en est... :D
Mais c'est pas plutôt une PL17 qu'une Dyna ?

garco NL

2006-06-08 12:11

Maybe Mercedes Benz L 10000?

-- Last edit: 2006-06-08 16:12:13


2006-06-08 20:56

stronghold wrote I don't know the truck ...but there is a panhard Dyna here.! (worth it's own page.?)

I agree to that, the Panhard should have it own page!

jplemoine FR

2006-06-08 21:06

Donc Panhard PL 17 première série...

antp BE

2006-06-08 21:11

Or if we cannot identify the truck we can use the page for the Panhard

esperantisto FR

2006-06-14 20:02

Henschel ? typ.LS ? vers 1960

trucker US

2006-07-18 05:13

Looks like the front of an Autocar A64.

firebird86 US

2006-07-18 08:59

I didnt know they had Autocars in Portugal and France, doesnt seem practical to me. :think:

sixcyl FR

2006-07-18 09:12

Same kind of Autocar truck than this one? seems.. /vehicle_40602-Autocar-DC-100.html

You know Firebird, it is plausible to find such an US truck in a french 1950/60 movie, many of WWII US army vehicles were recycled as specific civil transportation purpose at that time, and if this one is a post WWII truck, it could been imported by US Army forces who were present on France area until 1966

Anyway, I think we can assume it as an Autocar A64 or DC100?

-- Last edit: 2006-07-18 09:15:42

firebird86 US

2006-07-18 21:06

I didnt say that there werent any Autocars in France or Portugal, It just didnt seem practical to me, however I understand how they could have gotten there. :D

-- Last edit: 2006-07-18 22:36:55

sixcyl FR

2006-07-18 21:32

Ok, i didn't want to hurt you with my comments ;) ... probably I misunderstood the word "practical" in the context :D

I haven't seen this film, but why do you evocate Portugal for it? ... I thougt it was a full franco-french film :think:

Bebert FR

2006-07-18 22:35

Une partie du film se passe au Portugal, mais de mémoire cette photo est tirée d'une scène se déroulant en France.

firebird86 US

2006-07-18 22:36

IMDB site lists Portugal as one of the filming locations. :beer:

sixcyl FR

2006-07-19 00:45

thank's bebert ... 1-1! dear firebird :D ... the scene is in France (the Panhard PL17 corroborates that, as no many panhard ahad been exported to Portugal i guess) :beer:

56PeteFan CA

2010-01-03 04:48

I agree it's an Autocar But I think it's a Autocar C 70



2010-01-03 04:57

agree'd with 56PeteFan

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