Class: Others, Military armored vehicle — Model origin:
Background vehicle
Author | Message |
◊ 2006-07-15 13:18 |
Pour moi, c'est un "Mother" Mark I. Les insignes allemands semblent indiquer qu'il a été recyclé par eux à leur profit. C'était une chose presque courante, car les allemands avait beaucoup de retard dans l'élaboration de leur "Panzer". Le premier modèle n'est apparu qu'au printemps 1918, c'était le A7V. |
◊ 2006-07-15 23:32 |
As most reference pictures are almost as blurred as this one identification is tricky. I would say it is, like the other one (/vehicle_41926-Metropolitan-Carriage-and-Mark-V-1918.html), a Mark V build by the Metropolitan Carriage and Waggon Company. It is known that some were captured and used by the Imperial German forces. |
◊ 2007-10-31 13:25 |
Like for this one /vehicle_41926-Metropolitan-Carriage-and-Waggon-Mark-IV-1917.html new information shows that it is a Mark IV version. |