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1907 Rolls-Royce 40/50 h.p. 'Silver Ghost' Barker of London 'Roi des Belges' Open Tourer [60551]

1907 Rolls-Royce 40/50 h.p. 'Silver Ghost' [60551] in Classic Triumph Cars of Yesteryear, Documentary

Class: Cars, Proto / Concept — Model origin: UK

1907 Rolls-Royce 40/50 h.p. 'Silver Ghost' Barker of London 'Roi des Belges' Open Tourer [60551]

[*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


dsl SX

2011-09-15 19:25

AX 201 on left is original 1907 Silver Ghost, #60551, Barker Roi de Belges bodywork. I think this is a famous photo from RR history but can't place where I've seen it before.

dsl SX

2011-09-15 19:55

Got it - photo is from 1907 15,000 mile Rolls-Royce Reliability Trial, taken at the Cat and Fiddle pub (on the moors above Buxton in Derbyshire and the second-highest pub in England - the Tan Hill Inn above Arkengarthdale in North Yorkshire is the highest and they do a very nice pint and bar meal). Apart from AX201, the other plates are AX 192 and AX 205 (from Monmouthshire where Charles Rolls lived) and a very early trade plate N.MR.8, with N = Manchester, and the interpolated MR = manufacturer - .

Edit - caption to this photo as "The historic gathering outside the Cat and Fiddle Inn in Derbyshire on June 21, 1907, on the first day of the non-stop run from London to Glasgow. Claude Johnson is driving AX201 (60551), Charles Rolls AX205 (60539), and Harry Swindley AX192 (60540). NMR8 was “on test” with RR staff." From page 7 of . Non-stop apparently meant without mechanical breakdowns - they could stop whenever they wanted for pies and pints at moorland pubs.

-- Last edit: 2011-09-16 01:25:57

Bentley Steve EN

2012-02-08 00:34

The date was the 22nd June 1907 and the three cars were on the way to Glasgow with the press to take part in the 2000 mile Scottish Reliability Trial. AX-201 (60551) "Windham" detachable tourer by Barker driven by Claude Johnson (MD of R-R Ltd), then from left to right, Montaque Napier, George Allen (tester) and Mr Cains (R.A.C. Observer). AX-205 (60539 the first 40/50 chassis) Barker phaeton de luxe, with Hon C.S Rolls driving, then Major Matson (observer), Ernie Mills (tester), and N.C."fatty" Neil. AX-192 (60540 the first running 40/50) Barker standard side entrance tourer, with Harry J. Swindley of "The Autocar" driving, then an observer or company driver, Cyril Durlacher (company driver) and an observer. NMR-8 (out of shot) (60566 with a test body, was on test in the area that day) driven by W.Hallam (tester) and two observers, and was later fitted with a Barker standard side entrance tourer and registered AX-251, but was then sent to the U.S. The 15,000 mile trial (Glasgow to London)followed on from the 2,000 mile Scottish trial. On the 15,000 mile trial, non-stop meant without an involuntary stop as said by dsl above 'mechanical breakdown' but after only 608 miles the car stopped running and when the bonnet locks were undone by the R.A.C (as they kept the key so the car could not be worked on) they had found the petrol tap had shaken shut so they had to set the clock to zero and start again. So at 14,392 they had travelled 15,000 and the R.A.C were not willing to have their observer stay any longer so the trial was over. For this trial R-R Ltd won The Dewer Trophy. Sorry to go on but it is not a short story, and there is a bit more to it.

-- Last edit: 2012-02-08 00:36:21

dsl SX

2012-02-08 01:11

Bentley Steve wrote Sorry to go on ....

No - don't apologise - where this depth of info still exists it should be captured to provide the detail of a significant event. And it's interesting.

Bentley Steve EN

2012-02-08 23:37

Thanks dsi,I love all this early R-R history, great people and great times (well if you had the money). Steve.

robgeelen2 NL

2012-02-11 21:00

AX 192 was later transferred to a 1911 Silver Ghost Landaulette by Barker

dsl SX

2023-11-02 14:13

See also same event - /vehicle_1838222-Rolls-Royce-60566.html , /vehicle_1838220-Rolls-Royce-40-50-hp-60539.html , /vehicle_1838221-Rolls-Royce-40-50-hp-60540.html

dsl SX

2023-11-04 04:04

Clearer print of same photo
[Image: rolls-royce-photo.jpg]

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