
Last completed movie pages

Renault FT Replica

Renault FT Replica in 1920 Bitwa Warszawska, Movie, 2011 IMDB

Class: Others, Military armored vehicle — Model origin: FR

Renault FT Replica

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle



2012-02-06 01:39

[Image: ctrd1.6013.jpg] [Image: ctrd.1193.jpg]

Lateef NO

2012-02-06 01:47

Renault FT-17

Jale PL

2012-02-06 01:59

Two replicas...

Link to ""

Janek PL

2012-02-06 14:43

'Made for Movie' then...

Lateef NO

2012-02-06 14:52

I thought that Made for movie is used for obscure creations that aren't based on anything real?

Janek PL

2012-02-06 16:03

Not exactly: /vehicles_make-Made+for+movie.html

Weasel1984 PL

2012-02-06 16:19

Is it good replica? I think made for movie is used mostly for the bad ones.

Janek PL

2012-02-06 16:48

Not bad at all.. I thought we should name it "MfM' since it was made for THIS movie... I'am confused now... Might be 'Replica'.

Janek PL

2012-02-06 16:54

Z drugiej strony wz.29 i wz.34 też powinny być oznaczone jako "replica". Namnorzyło się ich ostatnio...

Weasel1984 PL

2012-02-06 16:58

Są. Po prostu nie wiem czy warto wrzucać do jednej kategorii takie całkiem przekonujące pojazdy, które mogą też żyć poza filmem (na różnych zlotach itd.), z potworkami tego typu:
- /vehicle_772-Made-for-Movie-Mercedes-Benz-LG3000.html
- /vehicle_226270-Made-for-Movie.html

Ale różnie to bywa na stronie.

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