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1971 Volkswagen K70 L [Typ 48]

1971 Volkswagen K70 [Typ 48] in Pas de problème!, Movie, 1975 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: DE — Made for: F

1971 Volkswagen K70 L [Typ 48]

[*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


carobserver MX

2006-10-23 01:46

What happened with that K 70?

Hiergehts CH

2006-10-23 09:27

It simply needs a front wheel alignment and a bit of bodywork.... :whistle:

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-10-23 11:45

it jumped over a citroen DS and rolled over but the roll over is after that

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-11-04 23:17

[Image: vlcsnap419601nx8.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap421205ut3.jpg] [Image: vlcsnap421252ui6.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2006-11-04 23:20:06

Weasel1984 PL

2006-11-04 23:25

Nice to see K70 in action. :king:

Ingo DE

2006-11-06 09:23

Interesting photos, but I cannot see the three added pics in a bigger size.
@carchasesfanatic: is there a chance to change them? This would be great.

vilero ES

2009-11-20 21:15

My present for Ingo

[Image: 205407-2.jpg][Image: 205408-1.jpg][Image: 205409-3.jpg]

[Image: 205410-4.jpg][Image: 205411-5.jpg][Image: 205412-7.jpg]

[Image: 205413-6.jpg][Image: 205414-8.jpg][Image: 205415-9.jpg]

[Image: 205416-10.jpg][Image: 205417-11.jpg][Image: 205418-12.jpg]

[Image: 205419-13.jpg][Image: 205420-14.jpg][Image: 205421-15.jpg]

[Image: 205422-16.jpg][Image: 205423-18.jpg][Image: 205424-19.jpg]

[Image: 205441-20.jpg][Image: 205442-21.jpg][Image: 205443-22.jpg]

[Image: 205429-23.jpg][Image: 205430-24.jpg][Image: 205431-25.jpg]

[Image: 205432-26.jpg][Image: 205433-27.jpg][Image: 205434-28.jpg]

[Image: 205435-29.jpg] [Image: 205436-30.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2009-11-20 21:20:13

rjluna2 US

2009-11-20 21:36

Uh, oh! I can see ingo wince and cringe every crash K70 makes :whistle:

Ingo DE

2009-11-21 21:27

Ah, thanks for replying my very first comment on IMCDB. :king: Three years later. :whistle:

@rljuna2: I have a remix of this scene on DVD - a K 70-friend from France mixed it with pics from our meetings and some music from the 70ies. :D

3loader RU

2010-03-04 20:25

[Image: vlcsnap-2010-03-01-03h47m42s54.jpg][Image:]

-- Last edit: 2010-03-04 22:26:05

Lateef NO

2010-03-15 21:58

I guess made for F, yellow headlights?

Ingo DE

2010-03-17 00:47

Yes, made for F - but only the bulbs were yellow, not the lenses. As usual for many cars in the 70ies. Total yellow lamps, resp. lenses were mainly the round lamps, which were fit in other models, too. To make extra yellow lenses for lamps, which were only used for one model, was too expensive.

DynaMike NL

2010-03-17 09:57

"To make extra yellow lenses for lamps, which were only used for one model, was too expensive." I don't think that was the reason, since most French cars had clear lenses with yellow bulbs, as well...

Nightrider RU

2018-03-31 07:33

[Image: snapshot20180331082825.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331080339.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081426.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081433.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081628.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081832.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081857.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331081909.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082155.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082210.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082232.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082746.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082751.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331082800.jpg] [Image: snapshot20180331084138.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-04-01 07:46:18 (night cub)

rjluna2 US

2018-04-14 17:37

Isn't this in L trim level?

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