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1984 Isuzu Trooper Series I [UBS]

1984 Isuzu Trooper [UBS] in The Sum of All Fears, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Class: Cars, Off-road / SUV — Model origin: JP — Made for: CDN

1984 Isuzu Trooper Series I [UBS]

Pos: 00:31:03 [*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Owner of this vehicle: ppelletier

Comments about this vehicle


antp BE

2004-09-09 19:00


imcdb FR

2004-09-10 23:23

Tu parles de celle de gauche ou celle de droite dont on aperçoit juste la calandre ??


2004-09-28 18:15

A gauche, c'est un Isuzu Trooper je pense.

-- Last edit: ColonelDupont

Hiergehts CH

2005-12-24 04:05

The one on the left is definately a Trooper and I think the one on the right is also but the grille has been modified (I've never seen one with 4 round headlamps) to make it look like an ''east block'' vehicle..

-- Last edit: 2005-12-24 04:05:26

tonkatracker US

2009-09-26 05:24

1984-1991 no way to know if it is a Trooper or Trooper II so it should be listed as a Trooper

Abd.Rammal SA

2010-04-07 05:36

The one on the left is definately a Trooper and I think the one on the right is :-

- UAZ 3172


- UAZ 3171

ppelletier CA

2012-05-07 05:14

Je confirme celui a gauche est un trooper Isuzu trooper. cettais Mon trooper
Jai ete le dernier proprietaire de ce trooper.
Jai encore des photo si vous désirer.

ppelletier CA

2012-05-07 05:20

And your right for the four headlamp
this is a custom modification for the movies.

-- Last edit: 2012-05-07 05:25:36

antp BE

2012-05-07 17:05

On aime toujours bien avoir des photos & infos sur les véhicules qui appartiennent ou ont appartenu à des visiteurs du site ;)

SineD CA

2018-10-09 16:58

In the movie we add 3 Tropper, One from 1989 and two from 1991.

Gamer DE

2018-10-09 17:00

The fact that they are North American spec Troopers makes this Russian scene more realistic than intended. :)

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