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Nissan Diesel RM80G

Nissan Diesel RM80G in 神勇雙響炮 (Pom Pom), Movie, 1984 IMDB

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: JP

Nissan Diesel RM80G

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


3asv6 HK

2012-12-15 17:23

This is not a Nissan Diesel 4R95. This is a Nissan Diesel RM80G.
RM80G is a midi coach seated for 35 while a 4R95 is a bigger one. Nissan Diesel RM80G
is shown in the following photo. RM80G has 4 windows on the near
side but 4R95 has more than 4 windows on the near side. The first
RM80G first appeared in HK at 1978/10 from PSV circle data.

Link to ""

The same company RM80G from a far view.
Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2012-12-15 17:24:57

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