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Tata 1510

Tata 1510 in Peking Express, Non-fiction TV, 2004-2008 IMDB Ep. 4.04

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: IN

Tata 1510

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


Maruti800 IN

2006-09-27 23:07

Very old TATA 1510 converted to tanker.

Maruti800 IN

2006-09-27 23:17

Garco u must be wondering how i name TATA vehicle so easily. Lets c?
its the payload. that i c. according to that RTO passes the permit.

TATA 1510 means 15tonne payload and 100Hp engine
Hence 1613 means 16 tonne payload and 130 Hp engine
hence 2513 which is multiaxle hauls 25 tonne and 130 hp engine.

Maruti800 IN

2006-09-27 23:17

hey nice road sign.

Maruti800 IN

2006-09-27 23:26

[Image: 1000139uw3.4143.jpg]

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