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1978 LiAZ 677 M

1978 LiAZ 677 M in Peking Express, Non-fiction TV, 2004-2008 IMDB Ep. 1.03

Class: Bus, Single-deck — Model origin: SU

1978 LiAZ 677 M

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


Weasel1984 PL

2006-10-30 21:55

LiAZ 677. In 1991 the production of this bus was take over by JaAZ, but without the hood I can't tell if it is JaAZ - LiAZ is original.

-- Last edit: 2006-10-30 22:58:18

datsunZ IT

2007-03-10 16:43

LiAZ=Likinovskij Avtobusnije Zavod=Likino Bus Factory),could be easy confused with LIAZ(=LIbèreckè Automòbilòvè Zavòdy=Liberec'Motor Factory,Czechoslovakia);was the small "i" that makes different those acronyms

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