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Weatherill 42 HD

Weatherill 42 HD in The Protectors, TV Series, 1972-1973 IMDB Ep. 2.22

Class: Others, Construction & Engineering vehicle — Model origin: UK

Weatherill 42 HD

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


stronghold EN

2006-10-31 18:29


datsunZ IT

2006-11-01 18:19

Muir Hill??

power600 FR

2007-01-14 11:58

Ce tractochargeur mal conçu avec sa mauvaise répartition des masses est d'une marque française mais je parviens pas à la retrouver :o

sandngravel US

2007-02-20 21:44

Hard to say, maybe clark?

jcb UK

2007-11-27 12:10

Chaseside or Weatherill

jcb UK

2007-12-04 07:41

Definetly Weatherill model 42HD

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