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Trimak Camioneta 7000

Trimak Camioneta 7000 in Operación Ogro, Movie, 1980 IMDB

Class: Others, Three-wheeler — Model origin: ES

Trimak Camioneta 7000

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene

Comments about this vehicle


jplemoine FR

2006-11-09 21:20

Moto, sportive, qu'y a marqué... J'veux la même avec un moteur de 150 chevaux... J'vais tous les pourrir!!!

Sinon, blague à part, il me semble reconnaître un dérivé utilitaire du Voisin Biscuter. Qu'en pensez-vous?

-- Last edit: 2006-11-09 21:21:12

sixcyl FR

2006-11-10 08:16

je pensais aussi à une interprétation espagnole du bon "Tempo" allemand :D

datsunZ IT

2006-11-10 22:45


jplemoine FR

2006-11-10 22:51

Va savoir... Je ne connaissais pas la marque, mais voici un exemple d'un modèle, certainement plus récent: Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2006-11-10 22:52:51

Alexander DE

2006-11-11 13:28

It is a Trimak Comioneta 7000 from the early 1960s.

jplemoine FR

2006-11-11 14:47

C-O-mioneta ou C-A-mioneta?

Alexander DE

2006-11-11 16:32

According to this leaflet it is 'Comioneta'.
[Image: trimakan2.1079.jpg]

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-11-11 16:45

odd, camioneta means pick up in spanish but comineta means nothing, couldnt it be an error of that leaflet?

(edit): ok ive seen the leaflet closer, it definetly has to be camioneta, other models in the leaflet are "volquete" that means dumper and "furgoneta" that means van, and they match to their photos so this one must be camioneta, the leaflet is old so it could be a bit errased

-- Last edit: 2006-11-11 16:49:31

Bebert FR

2006-11-11 17:42

[Image: batterie2.gif] New make! [Image: trinque.gif]

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