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1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3600 Stake [3609]

1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3600 [3609] in Target: Harry, Movie, 1969 IMDB

Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin: US

1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3600 Stake [3609]

Pos: 00:13:09 [*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


supcoach US

2014-03-13 00:15


lightninboy US

2014-03-13 22:15



2014-03-14 04:22

Chevrolet Advance Design? (Sounds like the name of a concept car. What a strange name, for a truck ! :) )
Tell me if I am mistaken:
Thriftmaster / 3100 to 3800 are single-wheeled models, while Loadmaster / 4100 to 6400 are similar trucks, but with rear twin wheels and with a longer wheelbase? The one of the picture seems not to be twin-wheeled.

If so:
3100 seem all to only have a metal cargo box. But some Thriftmaster/3600 used wooden ones:
[Image: 5896685829_4cd759c00c_t.jpg] [Image: 554771612_a723ba4ac9_t.jpg] [Image: 8691831234_8c7a2874b9_t.jpg]
(1947 Thriftmaster - 1949+ 3600 - 1950 3600)

[Image: 493677456_c57c33b002_t.jpg] [Image: 4852264286_c96e2c30d2_t.jpg] [Image: 3227940678_827f78aafb_t.jpg]
(1950 3600 - 1951 3600 - 1954 3600)

So, beside the hood side emblem, is there outside details to see the differences between 3600, 3800 and Thriftmaster models? Wasn't it just related to the cargo capacity?

In any case, its a '47 to '53 model, as the windshield is in two parts and the grille is the 5 chrome bars one. But with this picture, its hard to see if it has:
- gas tank filler neck behind the passenger door handle ('49+);
- hood side emblems with numbers to designate cargo capacity (3100 on ½ ton, 3600 on ¾ ton, 3800 on 1 ton) in replacement of the name "Thriftmaster" or "Loadmaster"(1) (late '49 / '50+);
- vent windows ('51+);
- push button outer door handles ('52+);
- hood side emblems reading only 3100, 3600, 3800, 4400, or 6400 in large print ('53+).
Chevrolet's largest 1950 pickup was the model 3800 one-ton. Was it named "Loadmaster" before?

Ok, if you take a closer look, it seems to have vent windows. '51+ Chevrolet Advance Design 3600 or 3800?

(Sources: Wikipedia and

-- Last edit: 2014-03-14 11:24:26


2014-03-15 01:21

I sought deeper on the Net, and I did not found the holy graal, but two of them ! :D
- First, a 9 pages article about the light-duty Advance-Design Thriftmaster (3100 to 3800), with year by year changes.
- And another fan website give us access to a complete documentation about the Advance-Design trucks, including the 1947 Advance-Design Chevrolet Trucks - Specifications, data and Information sheets, where we can read, on page 2:
Chevrolet's "Advance-Design" trucks will be known as "Thriftmaster" and "Loadmaster" models. The "Loadmaster" models (Series 4000, 5000, 6000) are easily distinguished from the Thriftmaster models (Series 3100, 3600, 3800) by the name plate which is on both sides of the hood. The increased height and width of the cab, hood, grille and fenders emphasizes the power and stamina of the Loadmaster models. (1)

And on pages 6 and 7, it appears that 4100 and 4400 could have single or twin rear wheels. But 5100 to 6400 models had only rear double wheels, as 4502 and 6702 school buses did.

About our movie model :
3 distinctive items to distinguish 3100-3800 models from 4100-6400 ones seem to be the wheels (hub caps for the first ones, "nude" inverted rims for the front wheels for the heavy trucks), and the bumpers (one "piece" for light trucks, with a medium embossed line for heavy ones). With the light level of the picture we have, this 3 identification marks are not visible. So we have a fourth point: the grille.
In 1947:
Although appearing to be the same, there were two different grilles used on the two lines. They consisted of five parallel bars mounted horizontally to emphasize the broad-base designs. The grille for the Loadmaster Group was slightly taller than that of the light-duty trucks. This was accomplished by spacing the bars a little further apart and by making the Loadmaster’s bars slightly deeper. The standard offering was to paint the grille bars the same color as the rest of the truck, but the Thriftmaster series, as an extra-cost option, chrome-plated bars were available. The painted bars were striped to enhance their appearance.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but for me it sounds like "chrome grille = light-truck series only". So 3100-3800 Series. And this one cannot be a 3100, due to the wooden cargo box.

Furthermore, for the 1951+ models:
Due to the Korean military action, chromium became a rare commodity in 1951. Most Chevy trucks came with the standard painted grilles. Then for 1952, chrome plating disappeared almost entirely. A bright grille no longer was offered, even for Suburbans, and series badges disappeared from the hood sides of half-tons. Because the Korean conflict also put a hold on copper, radiators became lighter and less robust, too.

So if everyone agrees with the light truck model, with the vent windows ('51+), and with the chrome grille ('52-), assuming the grille is a genuine part of the truck, the only remaining possibility is a 1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3600-3800 Series. Am I right?

Stay tuned. Does someone know how to distinguish 3600 from 3800 models?


(1) This mean 3100 to 6400, including the 5xxx COE, are Advance-Design trucks. And there must be an equivalent name for the GMC twins trucks. The IMCDb database might need a strong update...

-- Last edit: 2014-03-15 01:50:05

DidierF FR

2014-03-15 01:39

Bon, eh bien en tout cas, elle ne pourra pas se plaindre qu'on ne s'occupe pas d'elle, celle-là !

Sinon, il y a quelque chose de difficile ici aussi :


2014-03-15 01:54

@ DidierF: avec les liens donnés pour ce modèle, tu devrais pouvoir avancer sur /vehicle_685033.html . Là, je vais faire une petite pause :)

-- Last edit: 2014-03-15 01:54:27

DidierF FR

2014-03-15 02:39

'foiré, va !
À bas les cadences infernales !
(Hein ? Ah ben, oui, c'est vrai, pour toi aussi.)

(Non mais je ne pense pas que ce soit un Chevrolet comme celui d'ici, là-bas.)


2014-03-15 03:51

C'est la même famille :
[Image: Page%2010.jpg]

Maintenant, si on doit continuer à discuter de cet autre camion, autant le faire sur sa page :)

-- Last edit: 2014-03-15 03:53:15


2014-03-19 21:01

"Our" Chevy Stake:
[Image: ad-3600-seul.jpg]

These pictures are from the 1954 model year, but there were no changes for the wheelbase from 1947 to 1954:
[Image: Page%2011.jpg] [Image: Page%2014.jpg] [Image: Page%2021.jpg]
(3600: 125,5" wheelbase; 3800/4100: 137" wb; 4400/6400: 161" wb - Click for bigger pictures)

If no doubt on the wheelbase: 1951 Chevrolet 3600 Stake [Advance-Design]?
Or 1951 Chevrolet 3000-Series Stake [Advance-Design]?

-- Last edit: 2014-03-19 23:55:33

DidierF FR

2014-12-28 02:02



2015-01-09 23:18

I forgot the Chevrolet internal code, visible in the pictures of the previous comment: as 3600 stake, then 3609 code.

⇒ 1951 Chevrolet Advance-Design 3600 Stake [3609]

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