Author | Message |
◊ 2006-11-27 19:13 |
Probably Karosa ŠL 11 (the bus with the same front and rear part), like here /vehicle_63891-Karosa-SL-11.html but its not the city bus because of the rear door and better seats. |
◊ 2006-11-27 19:18 |
It is a SD11, SL had doors like the SM11 (but only two, the second in the middle were a bit narrower) and hadn't these small windows in the roof. Edit: I'm sorry, for years I thought, that in one old brochure pic was wrongly described. Now I've checked this and indeed there was also such tourist-coach version of the SL 11 (though externally, it was quite similar to the SD 11). So, by what is visbile, it indeed can be an SL 11 Turist. I belive a type 1307 by the seats with headrests. -- Last edit: 2012-12-22 22:49:44 |