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1982 Leyland Titan [TN]

1982 Leyland Titan [TN] in London's Burning, TV Series, 1988-2002 IMDB Ep. 10.18

Class: Bus, Double-deck — Model origin: UK

1982 Leyland Titan [TN]

Pos: 00:36:38 [*][*][*] Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase

Comments about this vehicle


kudos SX

2014-10-13 22:20

London Regional Transport T486 (KYV 486X), a Leyland Titan (TNLXB2RR) new in May 1982.

Simon-A EN

2014-10-14 03:24

black number plates on an X reg?

Sandie SX

2014-10-14 03:32

One of the bus fans can answer more completely, but London buses kept the non-reflective style of plates much later (as here) for some reason.

jcb UK

2014-10-14 07:35

It was still legal to use black plates on buses and trucks over 7.5 ton then and this may still be the case now.
So I am guessing they stuck to tradition or had a lot of black plates in their store !

-- Last edit: 2014-10-14 07:38:04

johnfromstaffs EN

2014-10-14 12:01

I'm sorry I can't help about the number plates. My knowledge of Leyland Titans stops at the sort with the engine at the front.

Sandie SX

2015-10-22 02:02

Old main picture from 3.04:
[Image: i748403.jpg]

[Image: leyland003618-2.jpg] [Image: leyland003635.jpg] [Image: leyland003926.jpg] [Image: leyland003931.jpg] [Image: leyland003953.jpg]

[Image: leyland003928.jpg]

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