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SECN Model 1932 Bilbao

SECN Model 1932 Bilbao in Im Kampf gegen den Weltfeind: Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien, Documentary, 1939 IMDB

Class: Others, Military armored vehicle — Model origin: ES

SECN Model 1932 Bilbao

[*] Background vehicle 

Comments about this vehicle


Jale PL

2014-11-03 18:36

[Image: 7623.3.jpg]

mike962 DE

2014-11-21 20:23


this is a Modelo M.1932 'Bilbao' BILBAO armoured car

Quote Armoured Cars
Bilbao Armoured car
Built in serie at Bilbao, used for assault. 4 crew, 5 soldiers. One MG turret. Speed 50kph.

-- Last edit: 2014-11-21 20:30:26

mike962 DE

2014-11-21 20:32

more info in spanish , looks like it's based and build by a FORD factory

Quote omo base, en el modelo de 1932, se usa el chasis de un Ford modelo 18 (2) construido en la fábrica de Ford Motor Ibérica Sociedad Anónima Española que la propia compañía tenía en la ciudad de Barcelona desde 1923.

-- Last edit: 2014-11-21 20:32:55

antp BE

2014-11-24 17:08

So how do we list that?

mike962 DE

2014-11-24 17:18

antp wrote So how do we list that?

found more info

Quote Desarrollado por la Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval (SECN), de Sestao, el blindado Bilbao Modelo 1932 fue construido en la factoría de Bilbao con la finalidad de equipar a la Guardia de Asalto. Se trataba de un autoametralladora blindado con compartimento para alojar a una escuadra de infantería que podía abrir fuego con la ametralladora de la torre, una Hotchkiss de 7mm. y con sus Mauser desde las troneras del vehículo. Estaba basado en el camión comercial Ford V8 modelo 1930 que se fabricaba en Barcelona por Ford Motor Ibérica (otras fuentes citan el Dodge modelo 1932). En julio de 1936, al iniciarse la guerra civil, se encontraban operativas 40 autoametralladoras (algunas fuentes elevan hasta 48) Bilbao modelo 1932 , muy diseminados ya que estaban destinados por parejas en los Grupos de Guardias Asalto repartidos por todo el país, además de una docena entregados al Ejército (Caballería). Estos vehículos participaron activamente en muchas acciones, no únicamente al principio de la contienda, sino a lo largo de toda la guerra.

Link to ""


Quote Developed by the Spanish society for Naval construction (SECN), Sestao, shielded Bilbao model 1932 was built in the factory of Bilbao with the purpose of equipping the assault guard. It was an autoametralladora shielded compartment to accommodate a squad of infantry that could open fire with the Tower, a 7 mm Hotchkiss machine gun and with its Mauser from the pockets of the vehicle. It was based on the commercial truck Ford V8 model 1930 which was manufactured in Barcelona by Ford Motor Ibérica (other sources cite the Dodge model 1932). In July 1936, at the beginning of the civil war, 40 autoametralladoras were operational (some sources rise to 48) Bilbao model 1932, very scattered since they were intended for couples in the groups of guards assault spread throughout the country, as well as a dozen delivered to the Army (cavalry). These vehicles were actively involved in many actions, not only at the beginning of the race, but throughout the entire war.

so I think it can be listed as SECN Model 1932 Bilbao , model origin SPAIN

-- Last edit: 2014-11-24 17:18:47

Gamer DE

2020-07-29 12:55

I think mike got something in the wrong throat. They rather meant that it was a 1932 model SECN Bilbao.

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