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1951 Ford Consul MkI [EOTA]

1951 Ford Consul MkI [EOTA] in Date with Disaster, Movie, 1957 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: UK

1951 Ford Consul MkI [EOTA]

Pos: 00:51:10 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


zodiac SE

2016-12-05 13:16

This is a Ford Consul [EOTA]. Not having a chromed strip around the windscreen might argue it's made before MY 1954. That is MY 1951 - 53.

dsl SX

2016-12-05 13:30

GNV 64 = early 1951.

Lord Elpus EN

2024-02-06 00:43

My first car was an EOTA type Mk.1 Consul (LRT 93), so was thrilled to see this one!! And yes, mine was a 1951 rust bucket, but kept me on the road travelling to various jobs. Amazingly, my mate's father had the exact same model, but in a sombre green colour.

Note the chrome strip around the screen and the other main feature of the EOTA type was it had a "pigeon hole" glove box in the dashboard, which matched the shape of the driver's speedo console, this being replaced in later models by a parcel shelf under the dash.

Mine also had all mod cons!! With a push button valve radio AND a heater slung under the middle of the dashboard, as that was an extra, along with the radio in those days!!

It was black, which I eventually sprayed pillar box red after which I traded in (after it failed the MOT) for an also rust bucket Renault Dauphine, with the dealer saying he would scrap my car (you could see the road surface going by if you lifted up the rubber mats!); BUT six months later I saw my LRT 93 coming towards me - so much for honest car dealers in the early 60s! 😆

PS I still have the manual for it in my display cabinet and somewhere have the gizmo for tuning the buttons on the radio

[Image: blackconsul.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2024-02-06 01:07:31

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