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2005 Toyota Corolla CE [ZZE130]

2005 Toyota Corolla [ZZE130] in The Office, TV Series, 2005-2013 IMDB Ep. 2.18

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: JP — Made for: USA

2005 Toyota Corolla CE [ZZE130]

[*][*] Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene 

Comments about this vehicle


modell US

2007-04-06 03:23

Jim's car. (edit: in season 2)

-- Last edit: 2007-04-06 03:25:10

crossroads US

2007-04-06 03:24

They made a mistake in the show, this car becomes Phylis's in the 3rd season and Jim get's Tobe's car, in Ep. 3.14.

taxiguy US

2009-07-20 06:23

2005-07 (grille)

karoomay SY

2010-07-04 15:02

Ep 4.01, two [*] ones:
[Image: pdvd419.5526.jpg] [Image:]

karoomay SY

2011-11-20 01:30

Another [*] one in Ep 7.15
[Image: 71513.1120.jpg]

Iggy US

2024-03-19 15:25

Owned by Phyllis Smith (the actor of Phyllis Vance; née Lapin) during filming.

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