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Is That Thing Diesel?, Documentary, 2011

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atom SE

2011-11-01 03:43

[Image: le1m.5202.jpg] [Image: biglap2.8479.jpg] [Image: skyllt1.6845.jpg] [Image: skyllt2.3514.jpg] [Image: rdhoj1.7018.jpg]
Documentary with Paul Carter doing a "big lap" on a motorcycle that runs on recycled cooking oil.

atom SE

2011-11-01 03:43

A Helicopter for IMPDb:
[Image: helicopter1.1309.jpg]

Nightrider RU

2011-11-01 04:33

Good name.

MisterZ AU

2013-12-28 12:43

As this is a documentary, shouldn't background (1 star) vehicles be deleted? If this is the case, then most vehicles from this page should be deleted, leaving only 6 entries.

-- Last edit: 2013-12-29 17:28:42

antp BE

2013-12-29 13:59

Some may indeed be removed. These were listed before the rules change.
But it is not all the 1-star that are "forbidden": only the common random traffic/parked ones. So some 1-star may be still related to the documentary (or be rare).

-- Last edit: 2013-12-29 13:59:42

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