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Driving Tips, Short Movie, 1958

Pictures provided by: Gomselmash11, oddsox

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2012-01-06 20:31

[Image: 0hgf.3348.jpg]

[Image: 0asf.5184.jpg][Image: 0fggf.6245.jpg][Image: 0gds.7479.jpg]

Link to ""

"Driving in traffic is more than just knowing how to operate the mechanisms which control the vehicle; it requires knowing how to apply the rules of the road (which govern safe and efficient sharing with other users). An effective driver also has an intuitive understanding of the basics of vehicle handling".

[Image: 0drivingtips.65.jpg][Image: 0gfd.4079.jpg][Image: 0as.3826.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-01-06 21:09:42


2012-01-06 21:08

Another for @rjluna2 (red to green)
[Image: 0sema.5385.jpg][Image: 0dsa.3640.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-01-06 21:08:53

rjluna2 US

2012-01-06 21:20

Gomselmash11 wrote Another for @rjluna2 (red to green)

Here is my comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

Ddey65 US

2012-01-06 21:24

[Image: 0drivingtips.65.jpg]
I want that road sign chart poster.

-- Last edit: 2012-01-06 21:25:08


2012-01-06 22:19

@rjluna2 not argentinian, this filmed in California. Correct this in

rjluna2 US

2012-01-06 22:50

Gomselmash11 wrote @rjluna2 not argentinian, this filmed in California. Correct this in

Fixed. Sorry [:shy]


2012-01-06 22:54

Thanks ;)

owlman US

2012-01-07 02:50

Gomselmash11 wrote [Image: 0gfd.4079.jpg]

Hmm, let's find this intersection today! From a 1939 roadmap, CA-18 used to run along Lincoln Ave/Center St in Anaheim. This must be just southwest of US101 / Santa Ana Fwy, looking north. I'm guessing it's here?? Not sure. (Looks totally different, as one might expect with all the highway changes and realignments)

-- Last edit: 2012-01-07 16:55:39


2012-01-07 02:52

@owlman: :wow: incredible

mike962 DE

2013-11-17 15:07

the complete thing here

oddsox US

2015-02-09 17:15

to be re-released as R-rated "Christine Goes Topless."
[Image: christinetopless.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-02-09 17:16:28

oddsox US

2016-05-10 03:43

[Image: 25mph57merc.jpg]
CA speed limit signs used to be black w/ white lettering and little white reflectors.
Note the auto club logo on lower portion of sign.
Changed to white in the late 60's, about the same time they went to yellow for center lines.
('57 Merc to left of sign)

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