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L'homme que nous aimons le plus, Short Movie, 1949

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sixcyl FR

2017-03-26 11:46

[Image: filmad.jpg] [Image: filmae.jpg] [Image: filmaf.jpg]

Propaganda short film made by the French Communist Party (PCF) for the 70th anniversary of Joseph Staline.
The film didn't have censorhip commission's autorisation for broadcast on screens... One can understand why :)

"Comrade Staline"
[Image: paysau.jpg]

"Comrade Maurice Thorez" the French "Secrétaire Général du Parti Communiste Français" of the era.
[Image: paysas.jpg] [Image: paysat.jpg]

Thousands of comrades singing "L'internationale" at the "Salle de la Mutualité" on 1949-12-21.
[Image: comce.2.jpg]
See the leader in the crowd.

The gifts for Staline collected from all around the country (with the several lorries listed above)
[Image: paysaa.14.jpg] [Image: paysap.jpg] [Image: paysaf.2.jpg] [Image: paysag.2.jpg] [Image: paysai.jpg] [Image: paysaq.jpg] [Image: paysar.jpg]

Boats and planes
[Image: bateauaa.9.jpg] [Image: bateauab.3.jpg] [Image: bateauba.6.jpg] [Image: bateaubb.2.jpg]
[Image: avionaa.1.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2019-01-03 09:27

Aircraft at:

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