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W pogodny dzien, Documentary, 1975

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Weasel1984 PL

2018-07-05 23:01

[Image: 0wdz.jpg]
More info. at
This film explains how people in small towns and villages should deal with radioactivity caused by nuclear attack. Less ususal subject like for the 70s politic of détente, but better to be always prepared - just in case.

[Image: 0miasteczko.jpg]
Fortunately in this particular small town people are safe and can sleep well, as among them is one man(!) equipped with high-tech radioctivity detector:
[Image: 0sasiad2.jpg]
He never forgets to take it everywhere together with "portable" warning siren:
[Image: 0sasiad3.jpg]
This way everyone will be warned enough early to hide in basement...
[Image: 0grzyb.jpg]

Other stuff - magnetic memory tape's units MERAMAT PT3 (most possibly connected with Elwro Odra computer) and their operator (definitely not of pocket calculator):
[Image: 0mmpt.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-07-05 23:02:56

Ingo DE

2018-07-06 23:02

Weasel1984 wrote ...
Fortunately in this particular small town people are safe and can sleep well, as among them is one man(!) equipped with high-tech radioctivity detector:
[Image: 0sasiad2.jpg]
He never forgets to take it everywhere together with "portable" warning siren:
[Image: 0sasiad3.jpg]

Let me guess: this bloke has filled his basement with survival goods, he's a Prepper?

We have such a clown in my village. His Jeep Cherokee is always fully equipped, that he can drive offroad for several days.
Although he always go only to the pizza-man.

Of course he's a conspiracy theorist either - he has a "Bilderberg"-sticker on the car.
Surely he believes in chemtrails either - all of these morons do that.
But I will never ask him. I'm not that stupid.

-- Last edit: 2018-07-06 23:06:27

Weasel1984 PL

2018-07-08 20:50

The guy in film (farmer) was different type of man. It was not mentioned, but he had to be equipped with this stuff by the state. I bet in real life it would be his extra (voluntary most possibly) work. By what I remember they recommend to have some food supplies - well after all this film was made to warn people and show how to be prepared for something bad ;)

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