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The Crow Road, TV Series, 1996 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2013-03-08 23:43

Excellent 4-part 1996 BBC adaptation of Iain Bank's book, set in Glasgow and Argyll (with possible locations on Arran as well for some scenic sequences), available on dvd. Unusually the film version is much better than the book, because it sorts out the book's incoherent and tedious chopped-up chronology into a sensible sequence. The Crow Road is both a major route through NW Glasgow from the A82 to the Clyde Tunnel and a traditional family expression (according to the script) for where the soul goes after death - there may be some deep symbolism in this.
[Image: crtitle.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-03-10 03:30:04

Sandie SX

2013-03-09 01:41

Good to see you getting in the swing of adding pics! :beer:

I think for DVD images they should be 720px wide.

dsl SX

2013-03-09 02:09

Thanks. Am trying to do it as simply as possible - playing dvd in WMP and using Snipping Tool to capture, and uploading with "Automatic resize/recompress picture if needed" ticked. Is that a problem?

andrepa DE

2013-03-09 03:21

guess every snipping device has disadvantage to pause the movie, respectively to freeze the screen, as it takes screenshots only
while with VLC player you capture frame without detour beeing shown on screen first, making a litle insert upper corner only, and you can assigne tricker to capture frame to your favorite key.

-- Last edit: 2013-03-09 04:25:07

dsl SX

2013-03-10 03:29

Computer in flashback to 1989
[Image: crcomputer.jpg]
[Image: crcomputer2.jpg]
Described as a Tupelov (any connection to the aeroplane firm?) and uses an 8" IBM floppy disc:
[Image: crcomputer8inchdisc.jpg]

For impdb - described as Cessna:
[Image: crep4planeg-bgiy1.jpg]
[Image: crep4planeg-bgiy2.jpg]
and a bedroom full of planes
[Image: crplanesbedroom.jpg]

Sandie SX

2013-03-10 03:31

Link to ""

(Reims build Cessnas under license)

The programme I'm watching at the moment has the exact same model of aircraft in it. :wow:

-- Last edit: 2013-03-10 03:37:58

dsl SX

2013-03-10 14:14

The big house used for a large number of sequences, including the various car park events in several entries is Ardkinglas House, on the shores of Loch Fyne, Argyll - "has featured in a number of films including The Crow Road, My Life So Far, The Rocket Post, The Waterhorse, Max Manus, This September, and Death in a Nut"; also in advertising campaigns by Boden, Pringle and New Look. , Link to "" .

Aerial view from ep4
[Image: crep4ardkinglashouse.jpg]
the green rooftop thing is the observatory (as comment on UFO in /vehicle_578503-Suzuki.html ).

Corkeyandpals US

2013-11-23 05:00

Aircraft at:

dsl SX

2014-10-14 21:21

Added a couple of stragglers and tidied up some bits and pieces.

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