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Metro, Movie, 1997 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, MisterZ, ?, Kartkidbut

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Also known as:

  • El Negociador (Spain)
  • Le flic de San Francisco (France)
  • Uno sbirro tuttofare (Italy)

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Comments about this movie

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antp BE

2007-03-27 00:57

I finally added all the missing ones, Including the Mustang that is sadly damaged. I may have missed somes. As usual, many of the background cars repeat in the various chase scenes.

By the way, the chases are great, with the Cadillac vs Ford Explorer, then later with Cadillac cs cablecar, when the Explorer made a nice rollover.
It is strange that this movie was not yet completed (only few cars listed).

[Image: tram005644rc7.7822.jpg]

That cable car could maybe even be listed as vehicle, since it is not a real cablecar, cf IMDB:
Filming the cable car chase sequence using real SF cable cars would have required closing down a major thoroughfare for several days, so instead fake cable car tracks were painted on quieter Jones Street and most of the shots filmed there using motorized cars.

Other action: the Dodge pickup is used at the end of the movie for a chase "alone". The Mustang is used by the bad guy to try to get away from a warehouse, but the car ends burning.

-- Last edit: 2007-03-27 10:03:41

MisterZ AU

2017-01-28 02:48

[Image: vlcsnap-2017-01-27-17h15m54s641.jpg]

Most (but not all) images upgraded to HD. Note that the HD images are from a HDTV broadcast and as such, they're formatted to 1.77:1 instead of 2.35:1 (the film has never been released on Blu-ray). As such, many images couldn't be upgraded due to too much of the car being cut out of the frame.

-- Last edit: 2017-02-13 16:58:39

antp BE

2017-01-29 17:58

Pictures replaced

Caboverlover US

2022-10-01 21:58

There appears to be a Prizm but no Metro :D

-- Last edit: 2022-10-01 21:58:42

Kartkidbut US

2022-10-01 22:00

What about the Metro Train. :D

-- Last edit: 2022-10-01 22:00:48

Caboverlover US

2022-10-01 22:03

Here is my Metro to fix that problem :D

[Image: 20200318_161234.jpg]

midnight US

2022-10-01 22:11

I found a Metro convertible while exploring Ohio for potential filming locations. It's not the rarest car I've found but it definitely stands out.
Link to ""

Kartkidbut US

2022-10-01 22:17

[Image: metroconvertible.jpg]

Baube QC

2022-10-01 22:32

[Image: resizeurlhttps3a2f2fgcmomerlocdncom2fproduction2fglobal2ffiles2fimage2f3edb98f1-12e6-4cc3-bae2-3f566.jpg] ? [Image: actu-mecc81tro.jpg] ? ... :D

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