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日本独立 (Independence of Japan), JP Movie, 2020 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Jnglmpera

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Jnglmpera JP

2022-12-18 09:26

[Image: titlecard.48.jpg]

Set between 1945 and 1946... I wanted to go w/ the Japanese title instead of the English IMDB title... however I decided against it since Wikipedia and Kinenote had conflicting spelling of Nihon Dokuritsu/Nippon Dokuritsu. I guess maybe the latter is supposed to be the proper romaji lettering based on what's left of their official website...?


LQ stock footage vehicles
[Image: 00hr09min55sec.jpg] [Image: 00hr13min28sec.jpg] [Image: 02hr01min27sec.jpg] [Image: 02hr01min30sec.jpg]

Stock footage of the USS Missouri, and a laughably bad photoshop of a Yamato(-class) from a flashback
[Image: ussmissouri.jpg] [Image: yamato-lol.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2022-12-18 09:57:57

RushCars24ID ID

2023-01-08 06:44

We can put the English title as the temporarily main title for this as of now until we finally got the right Japanese translation. Really want to break the main title sharing up too between IMDb and here. Literal translations always takes a pain-in-the-butt for most cases. :(

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