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Johan Falk: Leo Gaut, Movie made for TV, 2009 IMDB

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Also known as:

  • Johan Falk 4
  • GSI - Spezialeinheit Göteborg: Blutige Fehde (Germany)

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Comments about this movie

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atom SE

2009-10-09 21:37

[Image: 197840-title1.jpg]

Some Gothenburg trams:
[Image: 197841-tram1.jpg] [Image: 197842-tram2.jpg] [Image: 197843-tram3.jpg]

A German licensplate from München:
[Image: 197845-tysk1.jpg]

Ingo DE

2009-10-09 22:06

The plate is a fake. The font is not authentic.

atom SE

2009-10-09 22:08

I was waiting for you to write something like that :D

Ingo DE

2009-10-09 22:13

No problem - over 30 years plate-collecting leaves marks. ;)
But these ugly Euro-plates are a taboo fo me. That ones from own cars are hanging in the garage, but in my office-room, right around me now, only the classics are allowed to be hanging at the wall. ;)

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