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Un cuento chino, Movie, 2011 IMDB

Pictures provided by: afonso

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Also known as:

  • A Chinese Tale

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Comments about this movie

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Neon IT

2011-07-05 12:55

Who has validated this? There were a lot of others car definitely worth listing that have been deleted!

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 17:52

Unless the rules have been changed passing traffic is only worth a page when it's a rare/unusual car.

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 18:11

... but no worries, afonso submitted them all again....


It doesn't help that all admins aren't on the same line.

owlman US

2011-07-05 19:52

I thought that rule was only for documentaries and music videos?

tonkatracker US

2011-07-05 20:28

Indeed if this is a normal movie, passing traffic is acceptable.

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 20:28

That rule always applies, otherwise every parked car can be posted.

FAQ: "Avoid posting pictures of vehicles that are seen for an extremely short time"

plus there you have examples of what could be considered rare.

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 20:30

tonkatracker wrote passing traffic is acceptable.

Then things have changed a lot since I started...

tonkatracker US

2011-07-05 20:33

The site started listing background vehicles a long time ago (before I joined in 2006)

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 20:43

Background vehicles "that have an interest", what would be the point of filling a database with traffic??


2011-07-05 20:45

"interesting" depends the admin...

Ford_Guy US

2011-07-05 20:55

The way I understood it is that apart form "interesting/rare" vehicles, a background traffic car can be added if it is clearly visible, even if just for a second or a few seconds. Something like this for example:


Some contributors and administrators go overboard with this IMHO but it is more or less about using common sense.

chicomarx BE

2011-07-05 21:17

Yes, that's well visible. It's usually not that difficult... a blurry car in traffic of a common make, with hundreds listed already, has no interest. And when in doubt I keep it, I only remove the worst. But some admins here upload anything.

tonkatracker US

2011-07-05 21:20

chicomarx wrote Yes, that's well visible. It's usually not that difficult... a blurry car in traffic of a common make, with hundreds listed already, has no interest. And when in doubt I keep it, I only remove the worst. But some admins here upload anything.

I agree with this statement 100%, I thought you were saying that no one-star cars were allowed.

Neon IT

2011-07-06 00:13

chicomarx wrote Unless the rules have been changed passing traffic is only worth a page when it's a rare/unusual car.

This: /vehicle_413273-Ford-Escort.html and this one: /vehicle_413275-Mercedes-Benz-Sprint-T1N.html are perfectly visible and almost in foreground; I don't see any reason for delete them :??:
I think that you are way too severe with the validation of the users's contributions but not on your contributions: /vehicle_389075-Lada-110-2110-1996.html :whistle:

-- Last edit: 2011-07-06 00:14:11

chicomarx BE

2011-07-06 00:36

Neon wrote I think that you are way too severe with the validation of the users's contributions but not on your contributions: /vehicle_389075-Lada-110-2110-1996.html :whistle:

That movie page /movie_1127877-Cold-Souls.html looks fine IMO. The Lada wasn't necessary, but you did go back to April to find it.

I let many many through that I would never upload myself...

vilero ES

2011-07-06 11:48

I had not seen this discussion and:
- this is not the place for that.
- even I had not seen this discussion, this is my comment about this problem I have written this same morning /movie_84412-Night-Shift.html just few minutes ago.
- To me what an admin does is well done. On the contrary we will be always 're-editing' 're-validating' contributions. I can't remember now what contribution was validated by chicomarx some months ago, but I remember well that, at the same time, I was checking the same contribution. Well, chico validated some vehicles and deleted some others. He validated some vehicles that I would had deleted and he deleted some that I would had validated. It was his decision and, to me, it was OK.
- Going to the dentist :cry: see you later...

afonso BR

2011-07-09 00:44

[Image: unche.7018.jpg]
Background Cars
[Image: cliopo.1260.jpg] [Image: corokka.7255.jpg] [Image: fit014.4428.jpg] [Image: foucs.6545.jpg] [Image: kwdu.5655.jpg] [Image: 78694492.6263.jpg] [Image: onal.3581.jpg] [Image: 206ba.1144.jpg] [Image: 3077y.9889.jpg]
[Image: bxd.6626.jpg]
[Image: aviav.1627.jpg]


2011-07-09 01:29

1º Renault Clio 1. 2º Toyota Corolla. 3º Honda Fit. 4º Ford Focus MKII 5º 1992 Renault 9 6º VW New Beetle. 7º Mercedes-Benz OH ¿1621? (Worth listing, IMHO) and in the right, Renault 19 Série 2. 8º y 9º Peugeot 206 and 307. 10º Fiat ¿Duna? or ¿Uno?

sixcyl FR

2011-12-05 19:57

Aircraft at:

franchumar AR

2024-12-15 21:23

afonso wrote [Image: unche.7018.jpg]
Background Cars
[Image: cliopo.1260.jpg] [Image: corokka.7255.jpg] [Image: fit014.4428.jpg] [Image: foucs.6545.jpg] [Image: kwdu.5655.jpg] [Image: 78694492.6263.jpg] [Image: onal.3581.jpg] [Image: 206ba.1144.jpg] [Image: 3077y.9889.jpg]
[Image: bxd.6626.jpg]
[Image: aviav.1627.jpg]

I find this one:
[Image: descarga9.jpg]

lukapavosevic HR

2024-12-15 21:28

franchumar wrote
I find this one:
[Image: descarga9.jpg]

I think this car is already listed

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