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Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem, CZ Movie, 1979 IMDB

Pictures provided by: 130rapid

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Also known as:

  • Hodinarova svatebni cesta koralovym morem

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Comments about this movie

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130rapid PL

2020-08-29 12:41

Czechoslovakian comedy with musical flair.
[Image: title.44.jpg] [Image: credits.5.jpg]

130rapid PL

2020-08-29 18:12

(New) Class: Others, Riding instruments & furniture. [*][*][*] 'Vehicle used in chase'. :lol:
[Image: i001421116.jpg] [Image: i001421090.jpg] [Image: 04700instrument.jpg] [Image: 04745instrument.jpg]
Powered by two-stroke engine on street shots. The blue smoke was visible sometimes, of course no sound. Probably wooden-dressed moped or scooter.

-- Last edit: 2020-08-29 20:41:50

Baube QC

2020-08-29 18:20

130rapid wrote (New) Class: Others, Riding instruments & furniture. [*][*][*] 'Vehicle used in chase'. :lol:


wondering if this one will need a " Made for " tag.. :whistle:

-- Last edit: 2020-08-29 18:21:48

dsl SX

2020-08-29 18:56

The director wanted a chase featuring a mORGAN, but there was a typo on the requisition sheet??

Gamer DE

2020-08-29 18:58

Nah. "Get me a Yamaha, but a nice one with a good sound!"

130rapid PL

2020-08-29 19:07

LQ vehicles.
[Image: 01653vehicles.jpg] [Image: 04332vehicles.jpg] [Image: 04554blurrysimca.jpg] [Image: 04557blurryskoda.jpg] [Image: 04605vehicles.jpg] [Image: 04611fiat600.jpg] [Image: 04612fiat600.jpg] [Image: 04616blurryfiat126.jpg] [Image: 04623vehicles.jpg] [Image: 04634vehicles.1.jpg] [Image: 04634bvehicles.jpg] [Image: 04654vehicles.jpg] [Image: 05507vehicles.jpg] [Image: 11318roofs.jpg] [Image: 11416vehicles.jpg] [Image: 11424vehicles.jpg]

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