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They Stand Ready, Short Movie, 1955 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2017-01-25 02:57

[Image: title.319.jpg] [Image: titlea.6.jpg]

18 minute film "produced for the British government looking at the enlistment, training and duties of a National Serviceman. During the 1950s, all British men between the ages of 17 and 21 were required to serve for two years in the armed forces and National Service personnel fought in a number of combat operations from Korea to Suez.". Title film from
[Image: covercompressedx3.jpg]
COI Collection Volume 3: They Stand Ready. Can be seen here.

Rejects: - car (Wolseley??) and army bike
[Image: r00-21car.jpg] [Image: r16-59bike.jpg]

An "instructional turret" for training tank trainees
[Image: r10-20instructionalturret.jpg]

Millions of tanks pretending to be trees - pick out anything particularly interesting if it deserves promotion to a page ...
[Image: 04-23tanks0.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanks.jpg]

[Image: 04-23tanksa.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanksb13-55.jpg]

[Image: 04-23tanksc13-55.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanksd.jpg]

[Image: 04-23tankse.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanksf.jpg]

[Image: 04-23tanksg.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanksh.jpg]

[Image: 04-23tanksj.jpg] [Image: 04-23tanksl.jpg]

dsl SX

2017-01-25 03:01

Planes for impdb:

1] commentary says South Africa
[Image: planeza.jpg]

2] commentary says north Africa
[Image: planenorthafrica.jpg] [Image: planenorthafrica2.jpg]

[Image: planenorthafrica3.jpg]

3] commentary says nowt, but seen during big military exercise in northern Europe
[Image: plane.37.jpg] [Image: planea.4.jpg]

dsl SX

2017-01-25 20:15

Some Centurion pages merged, but keeping the rest separate for various differences and/or because different segments in the film.

Buc84 US

2017-01-26 01:46

Plane #1......P-51 'Mustang'. The Twin Tailed planes in set #2 look like C-117 'Flying Boxcars'.

-- Last edit: 2017-01-26 01:47:30

dsl SX

2017-02-07 21:27

DVD set has a 30-second TV/cinema recruitment advert included on 2nd DVD with apparent title "Army Summer of 1968"
[Image: title.326.jpg]
- so not a recognised film on imdb or elsewhere, therefore ineligible for a page. But has some captures for fun which I'll post here on the title film for the collection, in case anyone with the DVD set is actually looking to find out what they are. In order of appearance:

1] a tracked thing
[Image: 00-01tracked.jpg] [Image: 00-01trackedb.jpg]

2] thing having engine removed
[Image: 00-19engine.jpg]

3] twin things on a kit-built bridge
[Image: 00-25twins.jpg]

johnfromstaffs EN

2017-02-07 21:50

Tracked thing is a GKN FV432, what looks like a couple of Daimler scout cars on the bridge, but the engine removal could be anything.

Corkeyandpals US

2018-11-04 02:25

Aircraft at:

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