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Y Golau (The Light In The Hall), UK TV Series, 2022 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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Also known as:

  • No apagues la luz (Spain)
  • Uma luz ao fundo (Portugal)
  • Свет надежды (Russia)

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dsl SX

2023-02-12 03:01

[Image: title.653.jpg]

6 part series set in deepest west Wales, in and around Carmarthen. First released in Welsh as Y Golau on S4C, then in English on Channel 4. Either glacially slow or subtle and atmospheric - or both - but it worked for me. Excellent cast, and well defined characters (ordinary folk moulded by tragic events). No great thrills, car chases or policemen with guns, but it didn't need them.

As far as I know only one series with this self-contained story fully wrapped up, but a short scene at end of ep 1.06 suggested it might have sequel(s) at some point.


- blurry red thing in shed seen a few times in ep 1.01 and 1.02 whenever this yard is visited
[Image: 03-36vauxfx10zvw.jpg] [Image: 03-43digger.1.jpg]

[Image: 03-43diggerbplusredthing.jpg] [Image: 07-51redthingalsoep1.jpg]

- also ep 1.01 a parked line-up
[Image: 24-42ref.jpg] [Image: 24-42refb.jpg]

- ep 1.03 background in car park
[Image: 03-43transitiep305-29.jpg]

- unexplained poster with Mustang on the wall of local farmers livestock auction (ep 1.03)
[Image: ep316-39mustang.jpg]

midnight US

2023-02-12 20:09

dsl wrote glacially slow

Like this lieutenant getting out of his vehicle. :lol:

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