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Princess Margaret in Mauritius and East Africa, Short Movie, 1957 IMDB

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dsl SX

2017-02-26 14:38

[Image: title.333.jpg]

18 minute account of Margaret's 5-week tour in Sept-Oct 56 taken from
[Image: covercomp.jpg]
The Queen on Tour (COI Collection Volume Seven) 2-dvd set. Can't find a copy online, but lots of similar footage on youtube from Pathe etc.

Starts with Britannia arriving at Mombasa to await her arrival by plane from UK ("29 hour flight"), moves to Mauritius, Zanzibar, Tanganyika to finish in and around Nairobi and her flight back to UK. Interesting film - lots of huge genuinely celebrating crowds everywhere and full coverage of all the good things UK was doing for its territories and their peoples, but strong propagandaist messages to avoid any mention for the active independence movements in many of these areas, plus also that Margaret was a full-blown royal and not just the reserve team goalkeeper. They obviously flung everything at the trip to big it up - the first royal visit here for 20 years - using Britannia and lots of BOAC planes for its extensive itinerary, lots of specially arranged showpiece public events etc.

Unclear which cars were local or may have been brought from UK royal fleet on Britannia - several repeat sightings in different places. But also possible that some were the sort of things which local Governors might have already had, so maybe more than one example shown in some cases.

Reject - the only glimpse I could spot of anything vaguely Rolls-Royce-ish, seen in Tanganyika
[Image: r09-15rr.jpg]

Other stuff:

- newly arrived loco from UK given royal once-over in Nairobi
[Image: nairobiukloco.jpg] [Image: nairobiuklocob.jpg]

- entry for imPorcupinesAsPetsdb
[Image: petporcupine.jpg]

Planes for imdb:
- arriving at Mombasa from UK in "BOAC Argonaut Ajax"
[Image: plane.48.jpg] [Image: plane2boacargonautajax.jpg]

- Heron XH-375 (and maybe others?) used for flights during tour and final departure back to UK
[Image: planebxh-375heron.jpg] [Image: planecheron.jpg]

[Image: planedheron.jpg] [Image: planee.13.jpg]

johnfromstaffs EN

2017-02-26 15:56

Rfs was in Kenya at the time, and remembers P M in "a dress with a full skirt and wearing a little white hat like an upturned potty" when she visited the Royal Show.

dsl SX

2017-02-26 17:45

^ Difficult to keep track of all the outfit changes - new hats keep appearing all the time - but this is the outfit for the Kenya show (although from her next engagement at a tobacco plantation).
[Image: pottyhat.jpg]

Corkeyandpals US

2018-11-17 10:12

Aircraft at: Link to ""

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