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Love Me Licia, TV Series, 1986 IMDB

Pictures provided by: AleX_DJ

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2018-01-21 14:29

Lights around Milan for rjluna2:
ep. 23
[Image: lovemelicia-s01e232246.jpg]
ep. 25
[Image: lovemelicia-s01e252210.jpg] [Image: lovemelicia-s01e252436.jpg]
ep. 32
[Image: lovemelicia-s01e322970.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2018-01-22 01:16

deleted comment


2018-01-25 20:14

Italian live action series intended as a sequel of the anime (Ai Shite Night, known as 'Kiss Me Licia' in Italy)

Four series were made:
1. /movie_224507-Love-Me-Licia.html
2. /movie_224504-Licia-dolce-Licia.html
3. /movie_243093-Teneramente-Licia.html
4. Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia
(only indoor shots, no vehicles, except of a couple of toy cars and posters: the one with the Buick is the same visible also here /vehicle_1106089-Buick-1955.html)
[Image: balliamoecantiamoconlicia-s01e130133.jpg] [Image: balliamoecantiamoconlicia-s01e192613.jpg]

From these series they made also a further series of spin-off series, all set in interiors and so with no vehicles visible except in one:
1. Arriva Cristina
(only a toy car visible)
[Image: arrivacristina-s01e052671.jpg]
2. Cristina
(only a driving school poster with a Fiat Ritmo visible, plus the poster of the movie 'Tucker: The Man and His Dream' /movie_96316-Tucker--The-Man-and-His-Dream.html)
[Image: cristina-s01e062373.jpg] [Image: cristina-s01e341245.jpg]
3. /movie_4567904-Cri-Cri.html (the only one with a vehicle used, a Yamaha bike)
4. Cristina, l'Europa siamo noi

rjluna2 US

2022-07-14 22:47

AleX_DJ wrote Lights around Milan for rjluna2:
ep. 23

ep. 25

ep. 32

Danke, AleX_DJ :)

My comment at Street Lights at Internet Movie Car Database.

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