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Suez in Perspective, Short Movie, 1957 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2017-01-27 00:49

18-minute British propaganda film about Suez Crisis and attack on Port Said. Included on
[Image: covercompressedx3.jpg]
COI Collection Volume 3: They Stand Ready. Can be seen here or here (poor quality).

Very defensive commentary and clearly designed to convince its audience that British actions were taken for the greater good, but has an undertone of desperately trying to rewrite what actually happened. A directly contrasting message to /movie.php?id=1004517872 which is equally polarised in the opposite direction and clumsily presented, but when watching both together it is fairly clear that this film avoids many issues and events during this crisis.

I also found it interesting as a historical account - however biased - of these events because amongst other things of the after-effects it had on British car industry into the 1960s era which I grew up in. Almost every history of small UK cars (eg Mini, Imp, 1100, Herald, Cortina etc) emphasises how Suez Crisis and canal closure was a severe shock to petrol supplies, so Government and manufacturers prioritised developing new fuel-efficient and/or economical designs in case there was a future similar episode, and bloated heavy design traditions with loads of unnecessary weight became extinct.

A few rejects:

- Palestine
[Image: r01-01palestine.jpg] [Image: r01-38burnt.jpg]

- Egypt/Port Said
[Image: r03-51stuff.jpg] [Image: r07-36tankportsaid.jpg]

UK phonebox in Palestine
[Image: palestinep-box.jpg]

dsl SX

2017-01-27 01:22

Seems to be some overlap with episode 8 of End of Empire (1985 documentary) with similar footage, although not exact duplicates of pages.

dsl SX

2017-01-27 03:26

Lots of planes for impdb - unsorted, simply shown in onscreen sequence. Likely to include external archive sources.
[Image: plane.38.jpg] [Image: planea.5.jpg]

[Image: planeb.10.jpg] [Image: planec.9.jpg]

[Image: planed.6.jpg] [Image: planee.8.jpg]

[Image: planef.7.jpg] [Image: planeg.4.jpg]

[Image: planeh.3.jpg] [Image: planei.1.jpg]

[Image: planej.2.jpg] [Image: planek.2.jpg]

[Image: planel.2.jpg] [Image: planem.1.jpg]

[Image: planen.1.jpg] [Image: planeo.1.jpg]

electra225 IT

2017-01-27 11:02

dsl, it is really nice to see how you are keen at both cars and history.

dsl SX

2017-01-27 22:56

electra225 wrote dsl, it is really nice to see how you are keen at both cars and history.

I find these documentaries fascinating because they often explain things I've heard of or grown up with, but never properly understood. I think Suez Crisis was also important because Britain suddenly looked really stupid and incompetent in the Global Superpower Rivalry League (perhaps for the first time??) and the rest of the world realised we were no longer title contenders. In some ways we still haven't come to terms with that 60 years later ....

sixcyl FR

2018-01-06 17:12

Don't forget the equal importance roles of France and Israel in this historical episode ;)

dsl SX

2018-01-06 17:29

^ Accepted. But the film is unbalanced - only the British perspective presented for British audiences, without a wider context.

Corkeyandpals US

2018-11-19 05:14

Aircraft at:

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