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You Made Me Love You, Movie, 1933 IMDB

Pictures provided by: chicomarx

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johnfromstaffs EN

2023-01-30 16:45

The pictures of the Royce, and the Austin taxi look studio poses, and the general impression is American. No mention of this in the IMDb write-up though.

chicomarx BE

2023-01-30 18:56

It does look American, but the production co. is "British International Pictures ltd, Elstree London"

And looking for clues in the background...
[Image: x-youmademeloveyou1933576pbluray-hj-00_02_26-00059.jpg]

"You're bound to benefit from Bemax" Bemax was a vitamin-B supplement. UK product.

Movie to be completed later.

johnfromstaffs EN

2023-01-30 19:07

Only the Royce and the taxi, as I said, looks like an American studio set.

There are a couple of American cars in the street scenes, but no doubt it’s London. I don’t think Sentinel sold many steam waggons in USA.

The first Sentinel Steam Waggon was manufactured. Please note the spelling of 'Waggon'. Sentinel built steam waggons; the significance of the alternative spelling set aside the Sentinel product as superior in comparison to ‘wagon’ producers.

Copied from here.

-- Last edit: 2023-01-30 19:22:08

chicomarx BE

2023-01-31 20:34

[Image: x-youmademeloveyou1933576pbluray-hj-00_00_24-00035.jpg]

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