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Operation Dirty Dozen, Documentary, 1967 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Bonnascope

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Bonnascope ES

2010-11-06 16:23

[Image: pdvd068.1383.jpg]

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-11-06 19:25

About the making of The Dirty Dozen, so all the military vehicles are already identified.


2010-11-06 21:47

Shouldn't these be left out? (because it's just listing the same thing twice)

antp BE

2010-11-07 18:19

Are the captures scenes of the movie, or on-set filming?
In the first case indeed these should not be listed (btw we have still few movies in similar case to clean, made from parts of tv series)
In the second case, if it is just the same vehicles seen differently they should be kept.

-- Last edit: 2010-11-07 18:20:03


2010-11-08 01:29

Probably shots from the film (just not quite 100% sure from memory):


Although not listed on the Dirty Dozen page I reckon this is a shot from the film:

-- Last edit: 2010-11-16 22:25:48

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