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Pelle politibil, Movie, 2002 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Lateef

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Also known as:

  • Pelle the Police Car
  • Pelle das Polizeiauto (Germany)
  • Pelle Polisbil (Sweden)

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Comments about this movie

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Road Wars Fanatic IE

2010-03-23 18:20

I assume this is a ripoff of Herbie? :lol:

Lateef NO

2011-07-01 17:28

[Image: vlcsnap2011070100h05m11.7277.jpg]

Gamer DE

2013-04-02 10:18

I´m not going to add the´s animated junk and HE HAS A FRIKKIN MOUTH! :wow:

-- Last edit: 2013-04-02 10:20:32

Ingo DE

2013-04-02 10:24

:no: Don't say such bad things! Think about Lateef and his feelings and try to be a little bit benevolent. We've already badly traumatized him enough, due the demolition of his dreams. See the archived comments here: /movie.php?id=1751105

Gamer DE

2013-04-02 10:28

The movie is CGI, not a cartoon like MLP. And IMDB says there´s another CGi movie about Pelle coming out THIS year, unfortunately!

Lateef NO

2013-04-02 11:26

@Ingo: I wasn't really expecting you to realise that there were differences between animated shows, no offense. Gamer is as correct as he can possibly be. This movie is terrible, and I've just watched the trailer. The fact that he's become more of a Lightning McQueen ripoff and that he befriends a female otter that can talk became too much for me.

I'm not traumatized at all. I tolerate your common lacks of respect and comment cr*ps because I realise that we are different, and we are all entitled to be. I'm secure enough about my manhood and my status as an IMCDb member who commonly contributes old and obscure movies, to admit that I watch a show initially intended for little girls and their parents. I'm also secure enough to say that the only shows that I watch that are currently on the air, are all animated shows (MLP, Regular Show, Adventure Time, the Amazing World of Gumball, South Park, Family Guy). And which of my dreams have you demolished? Really. Do you even have a permit? I would think not.

Before you speak again, you should save time for the new Olsen-banden movie, you'd love it :lol:

Gamer DE

2013-04-02 11:34

Lateef wrote @Ingo: I wasn't really expecting you to realise that there were differences between animated shows, no offense. Gamer is as correct as he can possibly be. This movie is terrible, and I've just watched the trailer. The fact that he's become more of a Lightning McQueen ripoff and that he befriends a female otter that can talk became too much for me.

I'm not traumatized at all. I tolerate your common lacks of respect and comment cr*ps because I realise that we are different, and we are all entitled to be. I'm secure enough about my manhood and my status as an IMCDb member who commonly contributes old and obscure movies, to admit that I watch a show initially intended for little girls and their parents. I'm also secure enough to say that the only shows that I watch that are currently on the air, are all animated shows (MLP, Regular Show, Adventure Time, the Amazing World of Gumball, South Park, Family Guy). And which of my dreams have you demolished? Really. Do you even have a permit? I would think not.

Before you speak again, you should save time for the new Olsen-banden movie, you'd love it :lol:

Two words describe my thoughts: Well said...

Ingo DE

2013-04-02 12:27

Lateef wrote And which of my dreams have you demolished? Really.

We -not me alone- have joked about your feelings about "Pelle" and shortly ago about your experiences with the Lidl Pony. :whistle:
With my comment to Gamer I just wanted to be nice to you and show, how much we care about the feelings of other IMCDb-ists :p
P.S. It's so terrible, to see hurt people here, as /vehicle.php?id=583190 My soft heart cannot bear that.
P.S.II I cannot watch the linked Youtube. Not allowed in Germany.

-- Last edit: 2013-04-02 12:39:59

Andre Malraux

2013-04-02 13:32

deleted comment

Ingo DE

2013-04-02 14:03

Andre Malraux wrote BTW, Lateef is right when he sais that a real man has the courage to recognize what his tastes are. ;)

A real man has also to aware the reactions of the others, if he makes his opinions public :p

TheCarson116 US

2016-12-12 17:23

Road Wars Fanatic wrote I assume this is a ripoff of Herbie? :lol:
It would seem so, given that both series' and movies star an anthropomorphic Volkswagen Beetle. :)

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Gamer DE

2016-12-12 17:28

The series however is a Norwegian classic...

And what happened to Sally? Scrapped?

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TheCarson116 US

2016-12-12 17:32

Well then why do we Americans not know about it!? Why don't they dub the movies and series in English and broadcast them over here!? Oh wait, you're referring to the ambulance that Pelle works alongside, Sally :)

-- Last edit: 2016-12-12 17:35:04

Gamer DE

2016-12-12 17:35

I assume they do it as anthropomorphic bugs as heroes is a common idea, not really a rip-off.
We had Dudu/Superbug here in Germany, and to show they weren't ripping off Herbie, they even implied that Herbie became Dudu after he was wrecked: /vehicle_103220-Volkswagen-1200-Typ-1-1963.html

-- Last edit: 2016-12-12 17:39:34

TheCarson116 US

2016-12-12 17:51

Yes, I know that Superbug is supposed to be the "German" version of the Herbie series, considering that remnants of Herbie's 53 on Superbug's door can be seen when he is first being transported on a trailer. Kinda sad to know that Herbie became Superbug under a different name. :( Then again, that movie series isn't canon by Disney's standards, so nothing to really worry about. Nice to know though that people commonly pick VW Bugs to be heroes, they are the perfect candidates! :)

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