
Last completed movie pages

Replica, Movie, 2005 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Reg1992

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Reg1992 US

2017-05-03 12:44

Movie complete. Completed in 2005, but not released until January 2017 via RiffTrax.

[Image: replicatitlecard.jpg]


Due to this being a James Nguyen film (the same director who brought you Birdemic: Shock and Terror), it is in very poor quality.

Excessive background vehicles due to poorly-filmed scenes:
Spoiler - click here to see it
[Image: background1.3.jpg] [Image: background2.3.jpg] [Image: background3.2.jpg] [Image: background4.2.jpg] [Image: background5.2.jpg] [Image: background6.2.jpg] [Image: background7.2.jpg] [Image: background8.2.jpg] [Image: background9.2.jpg] [Image: background10.2.jpg] [Image: background11.2.jpg] [Image: background12.2.jpg] [Image: background13.1.jpg] [Image: background14.2.jpg] [Image: background15.2.jpg] [Image: background16.2.jpg] [Image: background17.2.jpg] [Image: background18.2.jpg] [Image: background19.2.jpg] [Image: background20.2.jpg] [Image: background21.2.jpg] [Image: background28.1.jpg] [Image: background29.1.jpg] [Image: background30.1.jpg] [Image: background31.1.jpg] [Image: background32.1.jpg] [Image: background33.1.jpg] [Image: background34.1.jpg] [Image: background35.jpg] [Image: background36.jpg] [Image: background37.jpg] [Image: background38.jpg] [Image: background40.jpg] [Image: background41.jpg] [Image: background42.jpg] [Image: background43.jpg] [Image: background44.jpg] [Image: background22.2.jpg] [Image: background23.2.jpg] [Image: background24.2.jpg] [Image: background25.1.jpg] [Image: background26.1.jpg] [Image: background45.jpg] [Image: background46.jpg] [Image: background47.jpg] [Image: background48.jpg] [Image: background49.jpg] [Image: background50.jpg] [Image: background51.jpg]

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