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Życie na gorąco (Hot Life), PL TV Series, 1978 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Weasel1984

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Also known as:

  • Zycie na goraco

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Weasel1984 PL

2008-09-25 22:49

Episode/locations details (click in the "spoiler"!):
Spoiler - click here to see it
1. Austria and Hungary
[Image: snapshot20080903035223xs9.4882.jpg]
Trams Lohner Rotax/SGP of serie E from Wien and Ganz from Budapest: [Image: snapshot20080903041635uq0.8586.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080903040059wa4.5479.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080903040129iy9.5717.jpg]

2. Greece
[Image: snapshot20080903205530dm4.6480.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080903222333qp1.5100.jpg]

3. France (real France is only in the title sequence, all other French scenes were filmed in Poland and Bulgaria), Poland, somwhere in Africa (fake location)
[Image: snapshot20080904100843ws0.9457.jpg]
[Image: snapshot20080904102222ju1.3923.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080904111236zp8.8832.jpg]

4. Fictional country Antiqua (filmed mainly in Bulgaria), Italy
[Image: 124b71di7.9718.jpg]

5. Switzerland (real + a couple fake locations filmed in PL, H or/and DDR), West Germany (same like with CH), Poland, East Germany
[Image: snapshot20080905022522sx0.436.jpg]
We can see only one scene from the GDR in interior of some building in E. Berlin (to identify by expert) with cars and S-Bahn visible through the window:
[Image: snapshot20080905023923nt2.7453.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080905024031gm8.9895.jpg]
Swiss tramcar:
[Image: fordus3xe2.6278.jpg]

6. Fictional country - Republic of Guademurca and USA (only one exterior scene)
[Image: snapshot20080905223154ej0.9753.jpg]
House of one of the bad guys with focussed on one subject interior's decoration:
[Image: snapshot20080906005824ic3.9063.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080906005817co4.2481.jpg]
Especially this... lamp is cool :D
[Image: snapshot20080906003426gh1.8555.jpg]

7. Austria (real one and some fake locations from PL and H), Poland
[Image: snapshot20080906030341rg3.8441.jpg]
In Austrian scene (filmed in PL - Jelcz behind the window), we can see for a while an interrior of some car ** :
[Image: unkwnetgx9.1429.jpg] [Image: unkwnet1br7.5316.jpg]

8. Italy (mainly real one with a few scenes filmed in PL - Citroen CX and probably Fiat 242)
[Image: snapshot20080906214708pe6.8338.jpg]
Some taxi ** and background Porsche 356:
[Image: snapshot20080906214557ef3.7139.jpg] [Image: snapshot20080906214653og6.3858.jpg]

[Image: snapshot20080908023453wx8.8908.jpg]

9. West Germany (only few shots/scenes are from there - ep. was mainly filmed in A, PL and DDR or H), Italy (this time completly fake location)
[Image: 0ibmcsvt8.7667.jpg]
Tram's trailer from Nürnberg:
[Image: 0trdbh3.9250.jpg]
And again nice E-series with trailer, from the Wien:
[Image: 0tramjh4.9168.jpg] [Image: 0tram1qb2.408.jpg] [Image: 0tram2gc6.8179.jpg]
Some "old school" equipment - Commodore ;) :
[Image: 0tw2lr1.8713.jpg] [Image: 0tw1sq5.6485.jpg]

Edit 2022 - I have HD update in plans

-- Last edit: 2022-01-23 16:01:29

Gag Halfrunt UK

2008-09-29 22:37

What's the series about?

Weasel1984 PL

2008-09-30 00:20

When Austrian friend of main character (Polish journalist Maj) has been killed, he discovers that her dead had something to do with big international organization founded by some nazists, facists and other monsters, who seems to be hidden in Western Europe and South America behind every corner. Since this moment brave Maj is trying to find these people and is also helping to many leftist groups and serious politics from the entire world to defeat dictators and establish new democra... socialistic system etc. Well, as he comes from the socialistic country, he is simply perfect for this. Here thanks to the modern and friendly party we don't have such (any!) problems... "Make love not war" under the care of the Warsaw Pact!
One of the biggest flops in the history of our TV, journalist Maj became the theme of jokes at the time of first broadcast AFAIK.
However today classic for many. I recommend it to all fans of the James Bond parodies - Leslie Nielsen is good for kids, next to this. :D

-- Last edit: 2012-10-10 22:51:35

Gag Halfrunt UK

2008-09-30 00:43

Thanks. :)

The captures appear to be from a recent television showing, so I suppose that it's now enjoyed ironically as an example of communist propaganda and/or seventies kitsch.

Weasel1984 PL

2008-09-30 21:35

Indeed is worth to watch because of both. :D Especially that since mid 50's we didn't have many movies/series full of such obvious and nonsubtle political propaganda (of course times and the ideals has changed... a bit) - that's probably also a reason why it irritated people so much in 1979.

-- Last edit: 2008-10-01 03:26:26

Weasel1984 PL

2008-10-07 17:57

The series is complete.
Some chases, but nothing extraordinary:
Ep. 3 - BMW 2000 CS vs... Fiat Campagnola :D
Ep. 9 - PF 125p Sport vs. Opel Rekord and PF 130p
Plus some fast actions with 911, E-Type and Alfa GT Junior.

Ingo wrote @Weasel: I'm tired and have to get up early tomorrow. Makes it sense for me to wait a bit or don't you have a pic for me? ;)

I've checked everything and there wasn't even a half of the K70 :( Maybe next time Ingo. ;)

Ingo DE

2008-10-07 20:29


Ingo DE

2008-10-07 20:37

@Weasel: the first pic of 9. is not from West Germany, it's Vienna, too. The "no parking/stopping"-sign in the background is not German. I even have a indifferent thought about the location... It looks a bit like the edge "Alserstrasse"/"Skodagasse" in Wien-Josefstadt (XIII.)

By the way: it's not a lamp, on the last pic of 6. :D

Weasel1984 PL

2008-10-08 16:55

Yes, it is in Wien, the same place where the red tram is visible.

If it is not a lamp, then what it is? :D "She" is on the bar, I would say that this glass in her hand is a perfect place for the light bulb.

ecclefechan SX

2008-11-10 11:07

Is the majority of this actually filmed in Poland? I'm very surprised at the amount of Western cars I see.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2008-11-10 11:26

ecclefechan wrote Is the majority of this actually filmed in Poland? I'm very surprised at the amount of Western cars I see.

A lot of scenes were faked in Poland and other eastern bloc countries. Weasel1984's first comment gives the details.

Ingo wrote The best example of the way, how to recognize the GDR-scenes of this series: all the Western cars are wrecks.


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