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Gefährliche Fahndung, TV Series, 1978 IMDB

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Ingo DE

2012-01-08 02:21

Filmed in CS? The architecture is in the old Austrian-Hungarian-Bohemian style and the cars like Chrysler 180, Ford Cortina MkI and MkIII, Renault 16, Renault 5 and Fiat 127 were all to get via TUZEX back then.


2012-01-08 02:22

What is CS?

Ingo DE

2012-01-08 02:22



2012-01-08 02:23

kegare wrote What is CS?

Československá socialistická republika, if you don't know.


2012-01-08 02:23

@ingo: :beer:


2012-01-08 02:24

Ahh, thanks.

Ingo DE

2012-01-08 02:24

:beer: Salud!


2012-01-08 02:26

Gracias :D

Gag Halfrunt UK

2012-01-08 11:44

Oh, it's an East German series about how West Germany is full of evil old Nazis. :)
Quote Der junge österreichische Kriminalinspektor Toni Pleisner ist ein erklärter Antifaschist. Bei seinen Ermittlungen stößt er auf eine Gruppe ehemaliger Nazis, die an einem großangelegten Kunstraub beteiligt waren und nach 1945 mit dem so zusammengestohlenen Vermögen Rüstung und Propaganda in der Bundesrepublik finanzieren wollen. Toni setzt sich auf die Spur der Nazis und verfolgt sie durch zahlreiche Länder. Bei seinen Ermittlungen, die ihn in die Türkei, die Schweiz und die BRD führen, kommt er dem ehemaligen NS-Wehrwirtschaftsführer auf die Spur, der unter falschem Namen in der BRD lebt.

Translated by Google:
Quote The young Austrian Detective Inspector Tony Pleisner is an avowed anti-fascist. During his investigation he encounters a group of former Nazis who were involved in a major art theft and want to finance after 1945 with the so-together armor stolen property and propaganda in the Federal Republic. Toni sits on the trail of the Nazis and pursued them through numerous countries. During his investigation, which lead him to Turkey, Switzerland and the FRG, it is the former Nazi military leaders on the economic track, living under an assumed name in the FRG.

Ingo DE

2012-01-08 15:29

:think: As very proably filmed in CS, are the Western cars, which were listed in the TUZEX-catalogues, some special "made for CS"-versions? :??:

Ingo DE

2012-01-08 16:56

Some scences are original filmed in Switzerland.

sergej CZ

2012-01-08 21:46

Lot of scenes are filmed in Prague, in Malá Strana district...

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