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Orphée, Movie, 1950 IMDB

Pictures provided by: ZodiaK, Alessandro58

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Also known as:

  • Orpheus
  • Orfeusz (Poland)

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Comments about this movie

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atom SE

2010-04-06 05:23

Is it this movie ?

ZodiaK DE

2010-04-07 11:20

Yes, it is the famous cult-movie by Jean Cocteau. It is listed as 1950 in IMdb, but as far as i know, it was already made in 1949.

-- Last edit: 2010-04-07 11:21:59

Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-04-07 11:29

The title should be "Orphée".

ZodiaK DE

2010-04-07 11:52

Yes, you are right.

antp BE

2010-04-07 15:18

Zodiak wrote It is listed as 1950 in IMdb, but as far as i know, it was already made in 1949.

IMDb uses release-date

chris40 UK

2010-04-08 20:47

It must be over 50 years since I saw this film, but didn't Jean Marais drive a Morgan 4-4 or +4?
(Edit) It might have been François Périer :D

-- Last edit: 2010-04-08 21:45:49

ZodiaK DE

2010-04-09 13:18

I'll add some more pictures soon.

ZodiaK DE

2010-04-24 17:53

[Image: orpheedeath.7119.jpg]
[Image: orphestripe02.9779.jpg]

Here are some pictures of the movie. Beautiful Death played by Maria Cesares and Aglaonice played by Juliette Greco, who is although very nice to look at. (The only boring woman in the film was Eurydice, the Wife of Orphee/Jean Marais).
I have some more pics of the Rolls-Royce on its own page.

-- Last edit: 2010-04-24 17:57:03

Alessandro58 CH

2017-05-01 17:15

[Image: _00_00_59-2681-09-27-16h22m35s944.jpg]

Alessandro58 CH

2017-05-01 17:16

Improved and some additional pictures, new vehicles (bikes).

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