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Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared, Documentary, 2015 IMDB

Pictures provided by: dsl

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Also known as:

  • Zamisli da se sutra probudis, a sva glazba je nestala (Croatia (Hrvatska))

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dsl SX

2019-05-03 23:41

[Image: title.542.jpg] [Image: titlea.24.jpg]

Or for our wider community
[Image: titleaa.1.jpg] [Image: titleaa2.jpg] [Image: titleaaa.jpg]

Have been trying to find this for a long time - never released in UK - and eventually succeeded, but a German copy with unavoidable subtitles. Concept film/vanity project about Bill Drummond of the KLF who has done some very strange things, like (allegedly) burning £1 million in £50 notes on a Scottish island beach (Jura??)
[Image: million.jpg]

- but also made some wonderful ambient soundscape music. The "plot" here in this load of total twaddle is that all music has disappeared (maybe the title gives a hint??) so Bill gets in his trusty Landie and drives from East to West across England, Wales and Ireland
[Image: titleb.116.jpg]

getting random groups of people (crop-pickers, workmen, taxi-drivers, nuns, classroom etc) to sing different notes for 3 minutes which he tapes, and then at the end of the film are all mixed into one ensemble choral piece. He then listens to it once on an Irish cliff-top, but we - the audience - are not allowed to hear it, and then he permanently deletes it. So it is never heard and the whole thing is a total pile of self-indulgent pointless shite.

Oatcake moment for jfs with egg, bacon and cheese
[Image: oatcakes.jpg] [Image: oatcakesa.jpg]

Squashed house for narrow people
[Image: house.4.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2019-05-04 03:10:04

Animatronixx DE

2019-05-03 23:59

dsl wrote Concept film/vanity project about Bill Drummond of the KLF who has done some very strange things, like (allegedly) buring £1 million in £50 notes on a Scottish island beach (Jura??)

Jura! (KLF central here... ;))

dsl wrote ... but also made some wonderful ambient soundscape music.
If you ever wondered what I listen to when browsing IMCDb (and of course you all wanted to know that...) - it's quite often the Chill Out album by The KLF. And if someone happens to have a vinyl of that recording for sale at a reasonable price, I may be your customer! :D #cheekyclassifiedad

Thanks a lot for posting this movie, dsl! :king: I had no idea it exists and may need to buy a copy now!

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-05-04 00:10

A bit alarmed by an oatcake with cheese, bacon AND egg. As I am already taking a hefty daily dose of statins, the answer would probably be to eliminate the egg, thus leaving the oatcake to deal with the cholesterol from the cheese, and my internal chem lab to mop up the nitrites from the bacon. The breakfast on alternate days would be smoked salmon and scrambled egg, eaten on toast which has been well buttered. This, though, is only at weekends, the remaining days of the week it is a bowl of straw and semi skimmed milk.

dsl SX

2019-05-04 00:25

AnimatronixX wrote I had no idea it exists and may need to buy a copy now!

Don't spend too much money on it ..... you won't watch it more than once. My imcdb browsing music is often Aphex Twin.

If you're desperate to spend money on Bill Drummond-related vinyl - To The Shores Of Lake Placid was an 80s gem, especially the two Turquoise Swimming Pool tracks - , - the only things TSP ever released and never found anywhere else.

Baube QC

2019-05-04 00:38

if ever my music disappear tomorrow i'll go out and :D

Animatronixx DE

2019-05-04 00:51

dsl wrote He then listens to it once on an Irish cliff-top, but we - the audience - are not allowed to hear it, and then he permanently deletes it. So it is never heard and the whole thing is a total pile of self-indulgent pointless shite.

I hadn't read that part when I first commented. Yes, that's unmistakably Bill Drummond for you! :lol: But thanks for the warning, I just put it on the list and might not get it immediately...

dsl wrote My imcdb browsing music is often Aphex Twin.

Never really discovered him with deserved attention, but in a twisted way it does have the vibe of another of my favourite albums. Will give it a try, thanks for the inspiration! :)

dsl wrote If you're desperate to spend money on Bill Drummond-related vinyl...

No, absolutely not. It's especially the Chill Out album I'm trying to find without having to pay € 100,-. But I'm not a 'fan' of other humans, that's probably not in my DNA. At first try, The Turquoise Swimming Pools does nothing to me - but still thanks for making the effort. Much appreciated! :)

-- Last edit: 2019-05-04 00:52:10

johnfromstaffs EN

2019-05-04 15:02

Radio Dismuke, Fort Worth Texas. Continuous 78s, and no need to keep winding the gramophone.

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