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Le trou normand, Movie, 1952 IMDB

Pictures provided by: debono, sixcyl, JB

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Also known as:

  • Crazy for Love

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Comments about this movie

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sixcyl FR

2008-03-16 22:20

[Image: letrounormandlz3.1091.jpg]

Ce film est un vrai plaisir d'un point de vue purement "automobilistique" , quant au plan cinématographique , c'est autre chose... on dira qu'il est de son époque...

Un des tous 1er films de B.Bardot.
[Image: comader0.1378.jpg] [Image: comahfa0.8220.jpg] [Image: comalkd4.4595.jpg]
[Image: combaxs8.1702.jpg] [Image: combbcv1.2015.jpg] [Image:] [Image: comcdgo8.4209.jpg]

Pompe à essence STELLINE , distributeur de produits pétroliers qui sera intégré au groupe TOTAL dans les années cinquante.
[Image: stationserviceaaez2.5657.jpg] [Image: stationserviceabxm9.7686.jpg] [Image: stationserviceacwt4.4225.jpg] [Image: stationserviceadzl5.2682.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-03-16 22:27:09


2022-09-22 23:47

I added the images of colorized vehicles for changes. ;)

chicomarx BE

2022-09-23 06:26

Not sure that's a good idea, JB. It was filmed in b&w, colorizing means guesswork with the colours. sixcyl's pics are perfectly serviceable.


2022-09-24 03:13

chicomarx wrote Not sure that's a good idea, JB. It was filmed in b&w, colorizing means guesswork with the colours. sixcyl's pics are perfectly serviceable.

Okay no problems, however in this case, it is necessary to modify the main image of the Georges Irat and replace it with a black and white photo of sixcyl. Because having a black and white page with a colorized photo is a bit disturbing.

chicomarx BE

2022-09-24 05:54

I agree but sixcyl left it on purpose "Je laisse la version colorisée bien que de moins bonne qualité..." so it's not up to me to change it.

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