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Schweinskopf al dente, DE Movie, 2016 IMDB

Pictures provided by: AleX_DJ

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Also known as:

  • Свинина Аль Денте (Russia)

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2017-11-03 11:24

[Image: schweinskopfaldente201600374.jpg]

Filmed in Bavaria and Northern Italy (Lake Garda)

-- Last edit: 2017-11-03 19:50:43

walter IT

2017-11-03 11:37

@Alex > can you complete this one /movie_2969050-Dampfnudelblues.html ? Seems to be related to that :)

-- Last edit: 2017-11-03 11:37:57


2017-11-03 11:47

walter wrote @Alex > can you complete this one /movie_2969050-Dampfnudelblues.html ? Seems to be related to that :)

Yes, with pleasure :)
This is a series of movies (both for TV and cinema) called 'Heimatkrimi', set in several regions of Bavaria and starring as main characters one detective per region. A new movie ('Grießnockelaffäre') was recently released.

walter IT

2017-11-03 12:36



2017-11-03 16:28

Movies of the series 'Heimatkrimi':

Würzburg-/Franken-Krimis (Komm. Peter Haller and Birgit Sacher):
1. Freiwild. Ein Würzburg-Krimi (2008)
2. Bamberger Reiter. Ein Frankenkrimi (2012)

Allgäu-/Kluftinger-Krimis (Komm. Kluftinger):
1. Erntedank. Ein Allgäu-Krimi (2009)
2. Milchgeld. Ein Kluftingerkrimi (2012)
3. Seegrund. Ein Kluftingerkrimi (2013)
4. Herzblut. Ein Kluftingerkrimi (2016)
5. Schutzpatron. Ein Kluftingerkrimi (2016)

Niederbayernkrimis (Komm. Florian Lederer und Gisela Wegmeyer):
1. Sau Nummer vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi (2010)
2. Paradies 505. Ein Niederbayernkrimi (2013)

Alpenkrimis (Komm. Hubertus Jennerwein, Nicole Schwattke und Johann Ostler):
1. Föhnlage. Ein Alpenkrimi (2011)

Starnbergkrimis (Ariane Fink und Lu Reinhold):
1. Die reichen Leichen. Ein Starnbergkrimi (2014)

Eberhoferkrimis (Franz Eberhofer):
1. Dampfnudelblues (2013)
2. Winterkartoffelknödel (2016)
3. Schweinskopf al dente (2017)
4. Grießnockerlaffäre (2018)
5. Sauerkrautkoma (2018)
6. Leberkäsjunkie (2019)
7. Kaiserschmarrndrama (2021)
8. Guglhupfgeschwader (2022)

-- Last edit: 2023-06-09 16:15:43


2017-11-03 19:34

Street lights around Lake Garda (1) and in Bavaria (2) for rjluna2:
[Image: schweinskopfaldente201611398.jpg] [Image: schweinskopfaldente201612226.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2017-11-03 19:38

deleted comment

walter IT

2017-11-04 19:01

So this one only is missing, it seems:


2017-11-04 19:48

walter wrote So this one only is missing, it seems:

Yes exactly. It was released in theatres in Germany and Austria in August, so it will need some time to arrive on Bluray.

walter IT

2018-05-07 14:58

walter wrote So this one only is missing, it seems:

@Alex_DJ: are you planning to do this? I think it's out now ;)


2018-05-07 14:59

walter wrote

@Alex_DJ: are you planning to do this? I think it's out now ;)

Yes I had already planned to look for it... I check now ;)


2018-05-09 21:30

walter wrote

@Alex_DJ: are you planning to do this? I think it's out now ;)

:hello: walter I added it! :)

rjluna2 US

2021-02-11 20:52

AleX_DJ wrote Street lights around Lake Garda (1) and in Bavaria (2) for rjluna2:

Danke, AleX_DJ :)

My comment at Internet Movie Light Bulb Database.

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