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Buenos Aires en relieve, Documentary, 1954 IMDB

Pictures provided by: s13a

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s13a LT

2021-10-18 17:55

[Image: movietitle.83.jpg]

The first Argentinian film (well, short/documentary, whatever you call it) shot in 3D, about the modernization of the capital and the lifestyle. No 3D glasses are needed here, though.

s13a LT

2021-10-18 17:56

Other images of traffic in Buenos Aires, albeit the vehicles are too distant/small :
[Image: trucki000708.jpg] [Image: trucki000849.jpg] [Image: traffic0i000846.jpg] [Image: traffic02i000847.jpg] [Image: traffici000850.jpg] [Image: traffic1.jpg] [Image: traffic2.jpg] [Image: traffic3.jpg] [Image: traffic4.jpg] [Image: traffic5.jpg] [Image: traffic6.jpg] [Image: trafficxi000913.jpg] [Image: traffic7.jpg] [Image: traffic8.jpg] [Image: traffic9.jpg] [Image: traffic10.jpg] [Image: traffic11.jpg] [Image: traffic12.jpg] [Image: traffic125.jpg] [Image: traffic13.jpg] [Image: traffic14.jpg] [Image: traffic15.jpg] [Image: traffic16i000937.jpg] [Image: panelvani001546.jpg]

Race cars (haven't figured out which event) :
[Image: racecarsi000728.jpg]

Fangio :
[Image: fangio.jpg]

Boat :
[Image: boati1.jpg] [Image: boat2.1.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2021-10-18 18:07:57

s13a LT

2021-10-18 17:56

For IMPDb :
[Image: impdbi1.23.jpg] [Image: impdbii1.14.jpg] [Image: impdbii3.5.jpg] [Image: impdbii5.jpg] [Image: impdbiii4.1.jpg]

Gongora ES

2021-10-20 01:22

Super nice pictures

sixcyl FR

2023-08-31 17:34

Aircraft at by courtesy of s13a who provided these pictures.

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