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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Movie, 1958 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Imperial Club, stronghold, Alessandro58

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Also known as:

  • Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
  • Jättiläisnaisen hyökkäys (Finland)
  • L'attaque de la femme de 50 pieds (France)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


Yvon52 BE

2007-06-13 09:39

Stronghold, big sorry, by mistake I did distroy the picture with the 50's GM convertible. Could you put it back

Again sorry


stronghold EN

2007-06-13 10:18

[Image: 50ftwomanad2.3680.jpg]

Yvon52 wrote Stronghold, big sorry, by mistake I did distroy the picture with the 50's GM convertible. Could you put it back

Again sorry


After moving the picture and All the comments here, I deleted the page and No longer have it.!

-- Last edit: 2009-11-21 01:13:37

antp BE

2007-06-13 10:38

It is safer to keep pictures few weeks, until I have time to do a backup :D

stronghold EN

2007-06-13 10:47

antp wrote It is safer to keep pictures few weeks, until I have time to do a backup :D

Nevermind, It wasn't such an important one.! ;)

antp BE

2007-06-13 17:43

Well, if something happens to the site, I only have data up to 2 weeks ago (three in this case, as I do not have a good internet connexion at home currently)

Alessandro58 CH

2011-03-31 15:52

Done: improved pictures and some additional cars.

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