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Le cave se rebiffe, Movie, 1961 IMDB

Pictures provided by: mozinor, sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Money Money Money
  • Der Herr mit den Millionen (Germany)
  • Il re dei falsari (Italy)
  • The Counterfeiters (United Kingdom)
  • The Counterfeiters of Paris (USA)

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sixcyl FR

2005-10-16 11:42

Ce film a été lancé en 1961 en version N&B, puis "remasterisé" en couleur

[Image: cadillaccabriolet7aiwm5.7982.jpg] [Image: simcaregence7ny.5589.jpg]
Pour l' harmonisation visuelle de la fiche film, j' ai rajouté les photos complémentaires en Noir et Blanc...mais la version couleur très "chromo" est assez sympa!

-- Last edit: 2006-12-02 22:17:38 (antp)

mc leod

2005-10-16 18:29

ouaip bonne idée !
de toute façon pour ceux qui préfère le n&b c'est facile d'enlever la couleur...

sixcyl FR

2007-06-11 19:05

on peut tout passer en couleur si vous préférez ;)

sixcyl FR

2011-12-20 20:37

[Image: 199854LECAVESEREBIFFE.jpg]

Review in colour,added with some missing pictures, of this masterpiece of French comedy by G.Grangier and M.Audiard dialogs :king:

Martine Carol
[Image: 782261COMAA.jpg] [Image: 505940COMAD.jpg] [Image: 845150COMAF.jpg] [Image: 930675COMAG.jpg] [Image: 351332COMAH.jpg] [Image: 167110COMAI.jpg] [Image: 694311COMAM.jpg] [Image: 289708COMAP.jpg]

Ginette Leclerc
[Image: 114065COMBB.jpg]

Special paintings for a special house :D
[Image: 404439COMAB.jpg]

"GM subsidiary" of Eric Masson (F.Villard)
[Image: 317040PAYSAA.jpg]

[Image: 283024PAYSBA.jpg]
...and airplanes soon on IMPDb ;)

sixcyl FR

2011-12-20 21:51

Aircraft at:

antp BE

2011-12-21 15:29

Photo on the wall: (there are limits of what can be posted as vehicle :p)
[Image: i459454.604.jpg]
sixcyl wrote I guess a Ford Consul MkII

chris40 wrote Since it seems to be in some sort of competition, it's more likely to be a Zephyr Mk.II [206E or 207E].

dsl wrote Ford rallied the Zephyr Mk2 a lot from 58-61, usually painted white/grey. Most UK and Europe events had the numbers in a black door roundel which would probably show in this photo. The obvious link to a French publicity photo would be the Monte Carlo rally, but Mk2 Zephyrs did not achieve anything significant there. The alternative is probably the East African Safari Rally where works three car Zephyr teams won the team prize in 1959, 1960 and 1961. Liveries varied and photos are rare, but based on models 1960 cars had a black bonnet and huge black door numbers, but 1961 3rd place car of Annie Hall/Lucille Cardwell had body colour bonnet, smaller door numbers and black headlamp bezels. Not sure about extra lighting (1990s Corgis were fairly basic approximations for livery/detail), and it would mean filming took place no earlier than mid-61.

Edit: works Zephyrs and the local EAS cars were always RHD as far as I know, so 206E.

-- Last edit: 2011-12-21 15:29:28

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