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The Cardinal, Movie, 1963 IMDB

Pictures provided by: sixcyl

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Also known as:

  • Der Kardinal (Germany)
  • Kardinalen (Denmark)
  • El cardenal (Spain)
  • Kardinaali (Finland)
  • Le cardinal (France)
  • O kardinalios (Greece)
  • Il cardinale (Italy)
  • Kardynał (Poland)
  • O Cardeal (Portugal)

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Comments about this movie

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Gag Halfrunt UK

2010-10-20 00:08

Filmed in the USA and Austria.

nzcarnerd NZ

2010-10-20 00:13

If it is supposed to be 1917 then there are a few cars out of period.

sixcyl FR

2010-10-20 00:30

No, the story duration is 1917 to 1938.

sixcyl FR

2010-10-21 09:31

[Image: 269019-LE_CARDINAL.jpg]

Very long '2h45'...with too many dresses worn by ecclesiastic mens, instead of pretty women :D
But not bad! actress missing though, would had sounds good in the casting = Claudia Cardinale :whistle:

Nevertheless let's enjoy:
Romy Schneider
[Image: 269021-COM_EE.jpg] [Image: 269022-COM_EA.jpg]

and some others
[Image: 269023-COM_AA.jpg] [Image: 269024-COM_AC.jpg] [Image: 269025-COM_BF.jpg] [Image: 269026-COM_CC.jpg]

[Image: 269027-TRAIN_AC.jpg] [Image: 269028-TRAIN_TRAMWAY_AA.jpg]

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