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Four Days in November, Documentary, 1964 IMDB

Pictures provided by: modell

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Also known as:

  • Quatro Dias em Novembro (Brazil)
  • Marraskuun neljä päivää (Finland)
  • I dolofonia tou aionos (Greece)

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modell US

2013-03-04 04:45

[Image: img_0607.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2013-03-04 08:08

Is there any other aircraft views?

modell US

2013-03-04 19:03

Yes, particularly Air Force One (SAM 26000), a Boeing VC-137C:

[Image: untitled3.jpg]

President Kennedy and party arriving in Dallas on November 22, 1963, less than an hour before the assassination:

[Image: untitled6.jpg] [Image: untitled7.jpg] [Image: untitled8.jpg] [Image: untitled9.jpg]

The plane's arrival near Washington D.C. (Andrews Air Force Base) later that evening, carrying the remains of JFK and new president LBJ:

[Image: untitled10.jpg] [Image: untitled11.jpg] [Image: untitled12.jpg] [Image: untitled13.jpg]

Presidential helicopters Marine One and Army One - I think these are both Sikorsky VH-3A Sea Kings (at least according to Wikipedia):

[Image: untitled2.jpg] [Image: untitled14.jpg]

An Air Force cargo plane used to transport the presidential limousine:

[Image: untitled5.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2013-03-04 21:26

Thanks modell! :king:

sixcyl FR

2013-06-15 23:15

Aircraft at:

RidgeShark US

2018-07-25 03:31

Very nice! It's hard to find a good copy of this - I've got the 2000 VHS release from MGM. Where'd you get your shots from?

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