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That Cold Day in the Park, Movie, 1969 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no-a

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Also known as:

  • Ein kalter Tag im Park (Germany)
  • Quel freddo giorno nel parco (Italy)

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no-a RU

2016-03-19 16:12

[Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_000058_20160319_165934.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_000219_20160319_170139.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013447_20160319_172237.jpg]

no-a RU

2016-03-19 16:14

Other background vehicles
[Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_000951_20160319_170304.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_000952_20160319_170317.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_003635_20160319_170523.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_010432_20160319_171413.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013130_20160319_171931.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013134_20160319_172030.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013137_20160319_172114.jpg]

night cub US

2016-03-19 20:06

no-a wrote [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013137_20160319_172114.jpg]

Whatever this is, it should be added. Looks very rare in Canada.

dsl SX

2016-03-19 20:14

no-a wrote Other background vehicles
[Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_010432_20160319_171413.jpg] [Image: thatcolddayinthepark_1969hdripavi_snapshot_013130_20160319_171931.jpg]

Victor FB; probably Mk2 Zephyr or Zodiac

karoomay SY

2016-03-19 20:21

Quite a few British cars seen in this Canadian setting, it seems back then they were more popular there than in the U.S.

night cub US

2016-03-19 20:34

Well they are still technically part of the British Empire.

night cub US

2016-03-19 21:04

Nice Edition no-a :king: Lots of rare cars, mainly in one scene! Good job.

no-a RU

2016-03-19 22:01

night cub wrote Nice Edition no-a :king: Lots of rare cars, mainly in one scene! Good job.

Thank you! :sun:
I'm glad to be back here after a seven-month absence

cl82 DE

2016-03-19 23:04

..with a really interesting contribution. Good to have you back! I thought I knew most of Robert Altman's work, but somehow I've overlooked this one so far. Wunderful winter/autumn colors and a great selection of cars, especially the background verhicles.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2016-03-19 23:26

From the IMDB:
Quote Other Companies
American Motors cars furnished by (as American Motors, Canada Ltd.)

Ddey65 US

2016-03-21 16:26

I thought Sandy Dennis' performance towards the end overshadowed it's predictability.

As far as the cars, We had British Cars south of the border back then too, although Canada seemed to have some that we didn't.
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